Vaporizer questions

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Well-Known Member
I received my myrtlezap Saturday and tried it out with a couple friends. We let it heat for a good 5 hours because we left and came back to it. It took me at least three stems to feel something and they all said they dint feel that high either. Also i read that using the myrtlezap people were able to get high off of .025 which is the main reason i got this thing but that does not seem to be the case for me.
Any thoughts as to why my experience is so much different then the reviews on this forum?
Am i doing something wrong?


Well-Known Member
Not everyone is able to use it in such a way that they can get high with .025, not to mention that it depends on a lot of factors.

You will need at least 2 stems, in my experience, maybe more or less, depending on tolerance and many other factors.
One stem load should give you 3-5 nice hits.

Its important to hold your vapor in for at least about 10 seconds or as long as comfortably possible, since vapor is not smoke, its ok and you will get more out of it by holding it in longer. Make sure your taking slow enough hits.

You need to also experiment with grinding, packing, and drawing techniques to get the best hits possible.

try leaving the stem on the heater for just a few seconds before you start pulling. Remember to pull SLOW

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
the high from vaporizing is quite different than the stone from smoking.

it can take some time to get used to it. most of the FC posters are long time vapor heads. it doesn't need to take much bud -- quantity is mostly determined by the geometry (size, placement) of the bowl and the heater design, air flow, etc.
Hippie Dickie,
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