vapolaborium. Jaw drop.


Well-Known Member
So dear people,

today I bring you again on a completely new revision of in a new thread as an update, because I will withdraw now after completion of the world's best system even already something.
( Actually I would have only now begun to go online more specifically into the detail with inquiries. )

Since I had mentioned that the Vaporium latastans will have so by far the best convection module worldwide, I would like to present the whole now also and also gladly still more near explain.

The old Vaporium latastans 1.0 Version:

Now the new latastans 2.0 version
( Attention! Here are now different versions, because the "PLUS" is Discontinued )

Version 2.0.1:
( cheapest entry into the big league with small aftercooler )

Version 2.0.2:
( beautiful big aftercooler with icebox )

Version 2.1.1:
( smaller, more compact & with "kick" option plus even more features )

Version 2.1.2:
( with large aftercooler )

- laterally enlarged air intakes & pre-cooler
as well as with nicely shaped pipe bends for optimal thermal circulation

( There will certainly NOT be a version 3.x of the latastans! )

Now for the as promised world's best convection:
( AND YES!: WAX / SHATTER, it is a delicious revelation,
the taste in the vaporium:

- no matter if "crush", "buds" or "oil".
- no matter if "conduction" or "convection".
- no matter if "one-full-spectrum-hit" or "stepless taste experience"
-> everything is possible? Dabbing? -> High Class Level with:
Borosilicat, Quartz, Titanium, Carborundum, Corundum, Moissanite, Obsidian, Gold, Platinum, etc.
-> with completely new performance ( preheated / tempered !oil! for dabbing in round flask! ) <- Novelty!
I wanted to leave a placeholder free at first,
but now show you a little insight into the perfection of Dabbing:

First, right, the metal is heated and preheated to so:

This is followed by the clean and correct Dab:

- mobile version + anti-corona system
The mobile case version works perfectly
From 3 hours runtime ( up to 168h / 1 week continuous use per battery charge possible:
( This is the prototype for 2 Vaporium "Plus" models, the mobile latastans version will need only 1/3 of the size )

( Vapolaborium_To will then present one in suitable size at times )

Connect your Volcano to the best vaporizer system worldwide -> the Vaporium latastans:

Connect on your Volcano a water cooling and filtration:

Can now also be used as a mobile anti-corona system with mask:

Free from advertising, 100% Discreet glass and lab.

-I asked my best friend and little brother if I could improve anything else on the Vaporium for him.... Unfortunately, he also finds nothing more, so for me the project is finished for now.


New Member
Hi there, just to let you know, I'm Vapolaborium To. Nice to meet you guys.

here for you,

Boundless CFX Glass Inserts:

- the glass inserts offer the possibility to start or stop vaporizing immediately,
- better cooling
- less resistance to draw compared to the original inserts
- with glass or metal screen -> easier cleaning ( burn out )
- can be used on both sides
- short as long as possible ( not shorter than 4cm upper edge outside of the device )
- easy filling and emptying -> simply tighten the crush like with a straw, push in, done!



Almost there...
Hi there, just to let you know, I'm Vapolaborium To. Nice to meet you guys.

here for you,

Boundless CFX Glass Inserts:

- the glass inserts offer the possibility to start or stop vaporizing immediately,
- better cooling
- less resistance to draw compared to the original inserts
- with glass or metal screen -> easier cleaning ( burn out )
- can be used on both sides
- short as long as possible ( not shorter than 4cm upper edge outside of the device )
- easy filling and emptying -> simply tighten the crush like with a straw, push in, done!

You should post this in the Boundleas thread for all who use the vaporizer to see. It will not get as much traffic here.

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Well-Known Member
Hello lazylathe,

I hope you are well, and good to see you.
Yes the same with the water filter from the Volcano....
I will post it there too, thank you for the tip!

The Vapolaborium_To is just once again too fast with the post :D
But all belongs to the Vapolaborium :)


New Member
Hello lazylathe,
thank you, now I know where to post it too. :lol:

Because it was also always asked what is the smallest amount for the vaporium, here now the appropriate module:

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I've been following from the beginning, but I've always thought much of the description has been lost in translation....

Why do I all the sudden, feel I need to have one of these in my home?


Well-Known Member
I only understand trainstation

Come on...
- You will have seen that I have further developed and perfected the latastans model.
- The "High-Quality" Dabbing is possible, with a whole new and so unprecedented Performence.
- a mobile version has been successfully tested
- For Volcano a water cooler attachment as well as adaptation possibility for connection to the Vaporium
- A mask option ( it's really cool! )
- For the Boundless CFX there are glass inserts with steel - & glass sieve
and very important:
- For Nano / Micro quantities there are now these 3 small modules ( last 3 pictures above the thread ).
so that you can really enjoy the smallest quantities still convection cooled.

I also lost the plot! Translating from German to English literally doesn't make sense.

It is also such a pity, because so much science is also lost, and the time could be much better and more effective gestallten.

Look here:
The Most Expensive & Horny E-Liquid
from terpene crystals:

And how much time do I have to spend to explain correctly in English how to separate the wheat from the chaff - in this case the terpenes from the weed :D
I don't want to sell anymore.
You see how I speak and write.
I know that we German are not yet ready, but I am interested in whether others are so inquisitive, and this passion where design, aesthetics, rafinesse, perfection just so reflected.
This "purity" whether it is reflected in the taste, through the glass or in the crystalline end product,...

There will be many more videos...
mainly what you can do with it. But it must also promote itself, and the interest is there.

I've been following from the beginning, but I've always thought much of the description has been lost in translation....

Why do I all the sudden, feel I need to have one of these in my home?

Finally get one.
You're not doing anything wrong, and for the few hundred dollars to have the world's best vaporizer....

I know with a weary smile, what I can offer a Vaporium fan community still everything on top, where other manufacturers in vain...

write but times the other manufacturers to... what do you get for answers for you a wish or improvement proposal extremely?
-> At Vapolaborium you can let everything flow in, and even individually gestallten, right here now :tup:


Well-Known Member
Dude, i think u fundamentally dont understand how to sell things to others. You might be a great Inventor, but youre far away from being able to represent it well. If the english speaking vaping community is your target group, then for gods sake get some help with your english, so you can communicate what you want to say. If youre not interested in selling, there is no point going through all this effort. Im sure If you asked nicely, you would find people even here.
And its really weird and trump like to brag about your vapes and its qualities. Its off putting to most people. If the device is so great, it speaks for itself. Advertising something as the worlds greatest XY or claiming you spoke to your brother and now its perfected is just bad style and also ridiculous.
And im sure youll find away to dismiss this feedback as well.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the answer.
Sure, from your point of view you are absolutely right.

My best friend (I treat him like a / my brother) has everything, and really needs nothing.
I have also explicitly asked my customers if there was anything else maybe...
There is nothing.
The effort is worth it to me, of course. Do it better for now. This is a challenge on spiritual ego level.

I would not put down this feedback. Because if you do something for your brother or father, could I have done it even better first my friend? ;)

Trust :tup:
Which is really in disrepute with the products from Germany, but not if it is equal to clear transparency :D


Well-Known Member
Perfection is a trajectory not a design destination

This idea can deliver goods, but the goods do not have an ideal dynamic.

For chasing purity and clean extraction, this is cool but not overly unique, although it is distinctive and special, and it is certainly intriguing.

But if chasing practicality, it's simply too complex. Much like the descriptions and imagery, there is clearly much to do. However it is not so complex that a studied observer can't make sense of it instantly. Such a mind may find it desirable, and this place is choc full of the type to take notice.

True practicality is barely achieved with any vape product, the compromise is accepted in that the after effects nullify the hoops we jump through to vape with any ordinary system.

If you had this thing set up in your vape station, it would be as ordinary as anything an FC member does around the clock.

What we do here is something firmly expressed with correct existential trajectory.

Fuck Combustion. And fuck yeah to the makers out there having a crack at making that not only possible, but fun and awesome. Take it all on board, keep pushing for perfection, don't fool the self from realising it by misleadingly believing we will ever arrive at it. It isn't part of this realm, perfection is physically impossible unless you consider all at once.

Say it how it is, not how it isn't.

One could not hope to realise the scope of desire people have when considering such a device as a vape. It is a very personal and technological hybridisation.

This one is interesting. It's big and obnoxious, and to many that is not viable let alone wanted. That's why it isn't perfect. The performance and concept are not in a closed system, I don't doubt it's good, but it is plainly false to gloss over what it is wholly. Everything has pro's and cons, good engineers are ultimately overly aware of both and understand the worldly limitations bounding us all.

Step away from hostility and embrace the raw truth.

I bet it rips and due to the ECS, it would be a sick time after using it, and pleasantly enjoyable during.

Don't give up, Chinglish won't get you a ride home. Outsource or redefine your attempts from the ground up.
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Well-Known Member
You know what you need and what you are getting into.

It's really all about the details here in the desktop vaporizer + beyond.
I have long won with it, because I can no longer find anything myself.

But the whole thing is because of it:
Compare times the headquarters of NASA with those of the Russians.

The one much too trimmed about high-tech decadent, noble and exqisit... on the other side ( with me on the continent ) this is kept rather plain, simple and monotonous.

Where is the healthy mediocrity? Where is the universal?
We men love universal and special tools...

The Vaporium or this system goes far beyond the edge of the plate or horizon....

Redefine what? What not to give up?


Well-Known Member
You know what you need and what you are getting into.

It's really all about the details here in the desktop vaporizer + beyond.
I have long won with it, because I can no longer find anything myself.

But the whole thing is because of it:
Compare times the headquarters of NASA with those of the Russians.

The one much too trimmed about high-tech decadent, noble and exqisit... on the other side ( with me on the continent ) this is kept rather plain, simple and monotonous.

Where is the healthy mediocrity? Where is the universal?
We men love universal and special tools...

The Vaporium or this system goes far beyond the edge of the plate or horizon....

Redefine what? What not to give up?
I'm not so sure. People have some idea about what they want yet rarely do they have a good concept of real necessity. We are all ignorant.

With my experience, sure I know what I want. What I need is endless, not quantifiable, and I know that's what I will receive in time due to necessity.

What am I getting into? Well, I can only pretend to know.

This kind of cryptic communication is insufficient to arrive at a balanced, confident understanding.

I do think you should redefine your understanding of your assembly if you truly believe it to be so extraordinary to claim such constant whims in, I assume, serious fashion. It seems entirely on-plate to me.

Perhaps the nature of what it does goes beyond some alleged horizon, but how it does it and what it is is entirely encapsulated with a veneer thin face value.

I think you should tone down the remarks, to a point of utter reduction, and consider and market the device as it is instead of as some kind of phenomena.

The sacred plant is responsible for any real value with anything specific like this, clearly.

Having a tool that leverages the actual phenomena the plant offers to an utmost extent, predates history.

Yours is interesting, but it is a basic science equipment assembly, this kind of thing to a trained chemist is merely a novel usage of existing gear. Whilst it is creative, versatile and fairly easily multi-use, it's not particularly advanced apparatus.

If it were presented in what I consider appropriate fashion, this cyclical discourse wouldn't occur.

You shouldn't give up on incremental improvements, perhaps enough development has occurred, but if the designer is convinced it is the ultimate creation when it is just a mixup of various intellectual property from others, it is simply insufficient and laughable to be making biased and unmeasured claims. Where there is one error of judgement, there are bound to be more.

Proper presentation would be a diagram of heating and airflow dynamics, a basic description, list of parts and evidence of it working with a selection of different use cases.

If you put the right info out there, you can quit talking about NASA and confusing everyone, and you can let the device speak for itself, in turn allowing 3rd party reviews to form the most substantial basis for potential buyer decision making.


Well-Known Member
You have written really beautifully,
and also came through in the translation well understandable.

And just now to the end lies the real work and the problem.
-> I have to invest even more time and money ( and especially thought :) for something that is basically ( almost ) ready.
Why perfect? when you have arrived at the clean crystal, and can vaporize it without having to touch it... so having to get your hands dirty....
There's nothing like it, and when people post on Instagram at the S&B Volcano, "The Best Vape of the World."
then it just shows me this ignorance.
Can you imagine that I will write Storz & Bickel still in this regard also.

Yes the heater is being revised. But it will not change anything fundamental.

Do I want or do I still need a medical certificate for you?
The assessment basis should first be based on the understanding of the conscious.
Be honest.... which Youtuber would dare to let the Vaporium compete in a duel, if afterwards all others in his store become too superfluous in comparison?

I agree with you completely, more like just let the product talk about itself.... Just the pictures and videos and the implementation....
Then it will simply take longer


Well-Known Member
Youre wrong there too, i bet troy and jerry would Love to review the worlds cleanest whatever best vaporizer in a minute. But as is, its just gibberish and pictures of Lab Equipment.
Mann, wach auf, so wird das nix. Hör auf die Leute, die sind deine Base, die Käufer und Vaper, nicht dein Brudi, der alle Vapes kennt.


Well-Known Member
You have written really beautifully,
and also came through in the translation well understandable.

And just now to the end lies the real work and the problem.
-> I have to invest even more time and money ( and especially thought :) for something that is basically ( almost ) ready.
Why perfect? when you have arrived at the clean crystal, and can vaporize it without having to touch it... so having to get your hands dirty....
There's nothing like it, and when people post on Instagram at the S&B Volcano, "The Best Vape of the World."
then it just shows me this ignorance.
Can you imagine that I will write Storz & Bickel still in this regard also.

Yes the heater is being revised. But it will not change anything fundamental.

Do I want or do I still need a medical certificate for you?
The assessment basis should first be based on the understanding of the conscious.
Be honest.... which Youtuber would dare to let the Vaporium compete in a duel, if afterwards all others in his store become too superfluous in comparison?

I agree with you completely, more like just let the product talk about itself.... Just the pictures and videos and the implementation....
Then it will simply take.
Appreciate that, and glad it was deciphered well.

Yes I think this is all worth pursuing. When I first saw this thread and project, I was a bit sceptical over it. The air volume displacement along with the style, size and overall construction just seemed trivial to me. But actually it's not so crazy. It is all glass, a super clean set up. And it is a different approach that has grown on me, actually the convection mods were a big development which changed my initial outlook from that of a strange and funny idea, to a boisterous pillar of vaporisation potential.

However, again, as you found with the S&B trendiness, born out of mere exposure/awareness from successful marketeering, the silly claims that get thrown around are not very professional, it's obviously false and frustrating to see.

You know after my dissatisfaction with the MFLB in 2011 I just totally gave up on vaping due to only really being aware of crappy affordable options or the volcano which just seemed out of reach at the time.
I should have researched but I was content for that time, and it wasn't until someone introduced me to the Arizer EQ in 2014 that I realised the error of my ways. Converted since 2015. 2018 I tried the Volcano and as a heavy Grasshopper and Sublimator user, it was pretty unimpressive.

Maybe that is why I got irked so much by similar quips here, it is over praising, and it isn't good.

In terms of medical certificate, I'm pretty sure S&B did the dirty there and it's not really an applicable standard of interest. This is before the sellingout and the introduction of fine particulate Al dust with industrial disregard. Akin to scandalous asbestos dealers, and really there are so many awful other examples it's disgraceful.

So a transparent approach aiming for purity is really the staple ideal of vaporising as a harm reduction emphasis.

In terms of perfect though, it won't out pace my Grasshoppers and it won't outperform the Sublimator, so accepting that those options, although incredible, are far from perfect, it raises an interesting query of what the true bounds of the vaporising spectrum actually are. But that is as majorly dependant on device as it is flower as it is tolerance etc.

Vaping is just not something that has bests or worsts.

Therefore a YouTuber or collector, or general multi-device user such as myself will easily have space for this crazy contraption and we will still enjoy the nuances of other devices.

The main advantage to a versatile unit, of which there are a lot and yours is one, is being able to apply chaotic usage patterns to disrupt tolerance build up. This is even better achieved with different devices, changing the rate of intake as well as efficacy so the body doesn't get used to and ignore the point of having these things in the first place. It's too easy to fall into habits. Even owning a single vaporiser is superfluous, but if you're going to delve in it's a disservice to stop at one!

Don't market it as the be all and end all, market it as the next thing to try

If it eclipses veterans experiences you can sit back and make money without having to stick your neck out.

At least you could promote it in a positive and exciting fashion without saying much at all, just show what it can do
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Well-Known Member
So @MoltenTiger,

a night sleep over it does already times also well :)
nice how you follow this, alone this with the column and the evaporation potentials describe, how it changed the whole also again fundamentally.

However, the S&B trendiness is unfortunately absolutely no longer contemporary in the economy.
It's anything but professional, the market used to be very manageable, now there's a formal glut of handhelds....
And yes... now that you mention that at S&B about the Al dust as well as industrial disregard on a medical device....

MFLB -> google :)
"Magic Flight Launch Box"
I find cool! I know such boxes, but find it just nice to be able to watch the material vaping through a viewing window, why were you dissatisfied?
Can it be that with too much weed the glass tube clogged, or then with too little herb no pleasant fitting joy prepared?

Now I had to google grasshopper and sublimator vaporizers:

The Sublimator could thus be equated as with a G43 or Flowerpot? -> I myself am also working on such a line right now.
And the Grasshopper is really your favorite?
I just looked at him, now I know why, you formulate this in the Merzahl :)
It is really remarkable that you are so convinced of the perfection of the Grasshopper.

You write:" So a transparent approach aiming for purity is really the staple ideal of vaporising as a harm reduction emphasis."
-> ha ha :) Because the purity of crystals pure is bad for us....
-> the answer would be yes then here on it, that one can inhale purely theoretically constantly 24/7, without having to cough and vomit practically thereby?

As well as:
"Vaping is just not something that has bests or worsts."
yet... honestly... In terms of cooling ( ice ( gentler on the tonsils in the throat )
and conduction / confection, where we arrive at the topic Tolleranzaufbau & chaotic usage patterns....


from perfection at Grasshoppers, to 24/7 pleasant inhalation to the last paragraph
with the best or worst.
-> I would love to give you a Vaporium for Christmas, as I myself have never sent a package to the USA either until now. ( I will pay you the customs etc. of course ) because I am really interested ( as a fair comparison then without pre-filtering / cooling at the same room air and temperature etc / etc.... ) whether your Grasshopper also so all nuances in the full or partial spectrum can withstand to some extent.
( for me, the filling chamber of the Grasshopper is too small and my taste buds are nowhere near what they were 20 years ago :)

It would really just be a very simple analog version with round flasks and convection modules 1 + 2 this is already sufficient for the Grashoppers in my opinion.
It would really interest me if I already have such a big flap / face, with the "best Vapo in the world" etc. if you would still recommend me at the Vaporium the Grasshopper to the heart /.
I am so convinced that this device is the non plus Ultimo, and you wrote:
"Even the possession of a single vaporizer is superfluous".
I want to know now! If a device where you can vaporize and make Herion, Meth and DMT :) is also better in taste than your weed hoppers. It is only an interest question like between Tesla and Ferrari.
Should you teach me better, that the Grashoppers are more advantageous,
I would like to disassemble them completely, study them and put them in vapolaborium.
If I'm going to tout "the world's best system as the be-all and end-all", I'd like to have and see someone who has no problem testing the vaporium system as a comparison.
I'm not narking it as the be-all and end-all.... just my question: just what should come next from Volcano and Vaporium after that please?
or: what else should come after S&B and vapolaborium

I hope the translation arrived now also honorable and dignified.
I have really nothing badly spoken, and everyone may please know for himself what he tries with it.
I would like to mention that GTA also became famous through "bad" word of mouth.
I'm interested in what people thought they could do with it at that time :)
But I now believe that this last sentence is misunderstood
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