Vape pen doesn't like metal atomizers any more


New Member
Hey everyone. I am having a really frustrating problem that I hope someone here can help with. Christmas I bought myself an Atlas vape pen (by Vuber in Wa, its push button/one temp). It has worked like a charm until a couple of days ago. If I'm using the regular one piece atomizer everything works great, but for some reason if I use the globe attachment atty, It just blinks when I try to screw it on. Things I've tried: cleaning battery w/ iso, cleaning both pieces of atty w/ iso, trying a different bottom part that has been cleaned, tried multiple top pieces, including a brand new one. I can screw them on very loosely, trying the battery after every half turn and it will work sometimes when it is still loose enough to push it up and down and wiggle it side to side (no way am I over-tightening), but that lets the vapor go out the bottom. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm pretty much on my own on learning concentrates and attys, because I have no one here to teach me.
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Does anyone have any ideas? I'm pretty much on my own on learning concentrates and attys, because I have no one here to teach me.

Sorry you're having trouble, it can be frustrating for sure.

It's very hard to fix such problems first time from the distance, sometimes even after considerable effort. More so since I don't know the specific hardware involved. But let's have a lash anyway? We can work with generic ideas.

Probably the biggest weakness in these guys is the center contact on the atty, we should start there. Notice it 'floats' in a rubber bushing? It also can move in and out a bit, and that can be critical to us. The two leads from the heater are poked through the threaded hole and the rubber part pushed on with one lead inside, one outside (trapped against the threaded metal part). The leads are then cut off flush and the center pin pushed in making contact with the lead inside while the body has the other pressed against the inner wall of the connector. Not all that secure, but it is cheap, fast and easy and usually works. A common failure is the center pin getting pushed up just a bit too far so it no longer makes reliable contact, backing it out a mite with a needle fixes this. When screwed on again, it gets adjusted to the right place. Another common failure is a short circuit (an honest short, not what folks who don't really know electrons personally call 'shorts'......which in fact are almost always opens....) right at the connector mouth between the lead on the outside (ground) and the head of the pin. Sometimes this only shows up when screwed on, it can be that close. Again, pulling the center pin out a bit often corrects it. Otherwise, I pry the pin up a bit and peek under the head looking for that stub end of the wire between the bushing and the bore. If I can find it at all, I use the needle to push it down or to the side a bit. I'd start there. BTW the flashing is usually a sign the cart is shorted or the connection at least.

Flow issues take some different approaches. Sometime air is vented through tiny vents above the threads (in the side), concentrate can jam those tiny vents. Others draft through the bottom, up a hollow center pin. And air has to make it to that hole, which is where the trouble often lies. Vents in under the threads and sometimes a shallow slot across a contact to allow flow to the center of the pin can foul. I'd start by trying to figure out how it's supposed to vent, then inspect that path. Including carefully fishing a wire up the hole in the center pin and seeing if it comes out 'wet' with concentrate.

Fun times ahead. Lots of good upgrades await your wallet. Like say a nice, reliable variable power battery? Or one with built in USB charging? Most entry level batteries aren't regulated (run hotter fresh off the charger, cooler later on), which is really an issue you don't recognize until you don't experience it......

Welcome to the Forum and all the fun. I hope you get your issues sorted out easily, as well as those to come. IMO the rewards are worth the effort.

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