Underdog Log Vapes


How are you fellas hooking up your UD to a glass bong? I've got a Zob beaker with a glass downstem and a glass bowl.. is there a way to connect the UB to the downstem?


Great Scott!
tombs said:
Are any of you guys rocking glass stems on your UD? If so, do you prefer it to the standard tubing?

Also, I'm really digging the looks of the Twig designs.. I'm assuming that the Twig is the tiniest of the bunch? What would be a step-up, in size, from the Twig?

Do you guys have a preference, in terms of the design?

If it is going to be used at home exclusively I'd pass on a twig and get a full sized one.

Yes I have a glass stem, I love both, but glass has a better "taste" which IMO is really just the tactile feedback of glass vs silicone. I use an aqua vape with mine whenever possible and it is hands down the PERFECT vape for me personally.


here for the chicks
underdog said:
OhTheAgony said:
Yeah, but I think that's the only option Dave offers on his website atm so just take your pick.

Unless you guys hacked my site there should be options for both 3/8" and 1/4" silicone and glass.. but for Abo's use he definitely wants 3/8".

Ok back to the shop for me!

Never mind, I just was little to vaped to post or so it seems. I thought he was asking about the vapes themselves.

Just curious, why wouldn't you recommend a twig as a daily home unit Darkrom?


Slightly Stoopid
My Twigs are running just as hot as the larger pieces. Only difference is personal preference IMO (And obviously size).


Great Scott!
OhTheAgony said:
Just curious, why wouldn't you recommend a twig as a daily home unit Darkrom?

Based on Gonzo's comment I guess I can't make that recomendation. I don't have a twig... YET :brow: but I thought the full size would have SLIGHTLY better heat retention. I guess the new cores are just THAT damn awesome haha. Get whatever you want then :) My only reason to get the larger one for home is now more art to love. I'm still getting a custom twig so I have nothing against them at all.


Yes darkrom, why no Twig for daily home use? My Twig has been pretty much plugged in since I got it Friday. I throw the aroma cup with lavender essential oil in it when I go to bed. It's also an excellent hand warmer I've found now that we're finally getting some cold weather!

@tombs: The 3/8" stems will fit tightly into a 14mm GG female and it's easy to trim a chamfer on the end so they fit even better. If you have 19mm GG you should still have no problem finding a way to adapt, they fit loosely into a 19mm female.

I'm thinking I can loan my Birthday Dog to my bro-in-law now, the Twig is working out nicely. LOL, just caught myself staring at the blinking cursor, it was going to the music... :ko:

edited because darkrom answered the question, sort of...


here for the chicks
Gotcha, thanks guys. I was curious because I'm looking for a smaller one myself. I little less taller would be cool, but I like the width of the Solo when using it with my watertube (98%of the time).

I wish I had the budget for a custom one myself, or even just for the little Figured Myrtle Log he has up on his website right now (soo pretty). I can't wait to see what Dave comes up with for you. I caught you guys talking about it once or twice in this thread I think. Will there be wood in your twig as well?


shade-tree vapor engineer
I've done my best to design the core in such a way that it minimizes the effect the wood mass and density play in the operating temperatures of UD pieces. The key word here is minimize as there is still some minor variation in temps based on the wooden body.

Keeping it quick and simple in the UD world, in realistic scenarios the smaller/less dense bodies like the Twigs run a little bit hotter than larger/most dense pieces. This isn't a huge difference but it is noticeable.

When choosing an UD I try to help guide you through the process so that you get a piece that best suits your particular needs and this usually involves a bit of compromise and finding the proper balance of form and function that again best suits the individual user.

In the case of the Twigs for example we're talking about a design that is smaller and a bit hotter but at the expense of less durability because of its thinner wood and less mass to dissipate heat as well. For some people a Twig is the right choice but for some it might not be. Some people might be better suited to a heavier piece that while not so small can take years of abuse and keep on ticking.

All these things are part of the reason I like to talk to people before they buy so I can help them get what is right for them and make sure they understand all the pros and cons of each design. I'm also just a super awesome guy and like talking to you guys.. :brow:

Anyways, lecture over.. carry on.. I'll be in the shop. :peace:

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Gonzo said:
My Twigs are running just as hot as the larger pieces. Only difference is personal preference IMO (And obviously size).

Im going to have to disagree. My koa piece runs alot hotter than my twig.

In my twig ill take up to 12 tasty rips. My weed stays green until i finish it in my koa. The koa turns it to light brown and i get like 3-5 hits from that.

When i take a newly packed stem and put it in my koa it is gone within 8 rips and its noticably hotter vapor.


shade-tree vapor engineer
VaporBoxed said:
Gonzo said:
My Twigs are running just as hot as the larger pieces. Only difference is personal preference IMO (And obviously size).

Im going to have to disagree. My koa piece runs alot hotter than my twig.

In my twig ill take up to 12 tasty rips. My weed stays green until i finish it in my koa. The koa turns it to light brown and i get like 3-5 hits from that.

When i take a newly packed stem and put it in my koa it is gone within 8 rips and its noticably hotter vapor.

Good observation VB, there are always exceptions to every rule especially in UD land.. :lol:

The difference in temps between your pieces could have to do with differences in power supplies, wood density/mass/shape or even just small variation in the core itself.

I do think it's safe to say that all the UD pieces get the job done though, what do you think?


Slightly Stoopid
The difference may also be the wood your Twig is made of. I find that my both my Twigs run hotter than either of my full size pieces. The only one of my full size pieces that comes close is the Tupelo Goblet. Keep in mind also that the position of the screen in relation to the core will also play a big factor in ABV color.

Using the same stem(Bowl), with the screen in the same spot, My Abv will come out darkest in My Big Leaf Maple Twig. Next would be the Tineo Burl Twig, then the Tupelo Goblet, folled by the Purple Pint. The Queen which is the largest UD I own (And I think one of the largest made so far) will produce the lightest colored ABV and also the sweetest taste. Not that the taste with the other isn't sweet, but there definitely something special to the taste of the Queen.

Edit* Dave beat me too it, lol. I have also noticed much better performance from all the pieces since receiving the new power supply.
Of course, It depends on the wood. I have to say that i love having both. They get the job done for sure.

My suggestion to Tombs is a twig made of a cool grain.


Well-Known Member
i picked up a glass bong to use w/ the UD on my way home from work today. a cheapo glass piece. and all i got to say is wow. highly recommended.
propjoe said:
i picked up a glass bong to use w/ the UD on my way home from work today. a cheapo glass piece. and all i got to say is wow. highly recommended.

I too highly recommend this. Its my favorite way to enjoy my herbs.


errl enthusiast
i too can vouch for twigs running quite hot, my little maple guy runs much hotter than the larger bodied tortuga, and i use him quite frequently, twigs make excellent daily drivers IMO, you can easily pull massive clouds with them if desired, and im sure the ubertwigs perform even better!


shade-tree vapor engineer
stroh said:
i too can vouch for twigs running quite hot, my little maple guy runs much hotter than the larger bodied tortuga, and i use him quite frequently, twigs make excellent daily drivers IMO, you can easily pull massive clouds with them if desired, and im sure the ubertwigs perform even better!

You know stroh.. now that I stop and think about it you're a totally unique UD owner. You've got the smallest production piece still out there and also the largest. :D Add a few more and you'll have a zoo lol..


combustion fucker
I'm not a UD owner but I got some of the UD silicone stems to try out with my PD, so I might as well share my thoughts about them. The silicone stems seem to be more efficient than the standard PD stems. I feel like I'm getting more out of the herb, and the silicone stems seem to produce vapour more "effortlessly" due to the improved airflow.

On the downside, I noticed the smell of the silicone rubber at first, which was a bit of a turn off. However, as others have commented, the smell seems to go away after a while, but I'm still not sure about having silicone in the vapour path. I found the hard edges of the tubing uncomfortable against my lips, so I chamfered the edge using a sharp knife. The rubber shaves off quite easily, but I found it difficult to get it even, so it looks a bit rough although it is now much more comfortable to use. Also, when pushing a loaded stem onto the heat port, a bit of the tubing seems to catch initially and then flicks back into place. I have since chamfered the inside of the silicone tubing where it goes onto the heat port, so the stem locates itself better and more gently pushes into position.

Despite any advantages, I can't see myself using these on a permanent basis. There's still something bugging me about breathing through silicone that has been exposed to such high temperatures. I think an all SS vapour path would be better. A mini stem made from a short length of SS tube inserted into some silicone tubing would be ideal IMHO. Such a stem could be used for bonging or in conjunction with a glass stem. The silicone in these scenarios would function simply as a seal.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
hazy said:
I'm not a UD owner but I got some of the UD silicone stems to try out with my PD, so I might as well share my thoughts about them. The silicone stems seem to be more efficient than the standard PD stems. I feel like I'm getting more out of the herb, and the silicone stems seem to produce vapour more "effortlessly" due to the improved airflow.

On the downside, I noticed the smell of the silicone rubber at first, which was a bit of a turn off. However, as others have commented, the smell seems to go away after a while, but I'm still not sure about having silicone in the vapour path. I found the hard edges of the tubing uncomfortable against my lips, so I chamfered the edge using a sharp knife. The rubber shaves off quite easily, but I found it difficult to get it even, so it looks a bit rough although it is now much more comfortable to use. Also, when pushing a loaded stem onto the heat port, a bit of the tubing seems to catch initially and then flicks back into place. I have since chamfered the inside of the silicone tubing where it goes onto the heat port, so the stem locates itself better and more gently pushes into position.

Despite any advantages, I can't see myself using these on a permanent basis. There's still something bugging me about breathing through silicone that has been exposed to such high temperatures. I think an all SS vapour path would be better. A mini stem made from a short length of SS tube inserted into some silicone tubing would be ideal IMHO. Such a stem could be used for bonging or in conjunction with a glass stem. The silicone in these scenarios would function simply as a seal.
We were all concerned bout Silicon but love it later.. Do you know that there are silicon cake baking dishes.. They say can handle 300 + .. Google it if you like more info..
Abysmal Vapor,


combustion fucker
Actually, I wasn't concerned about silicone at first, which is why I wanted to try these stems. I didn't realise that the silicone would have such a rubbery smell about it. Even though the smell "disappeared" after a while, just the idea that the stems are capable of producing a smell like that has set off alarm bells. This is unlike the plastic used in the PD stems for example, which seems quite inert. I think it was mentioned that the silicone tubing is rated up to 500F, so it is being pushed to the upper end of its operating range when used in a vaporizer - a bit too close for comfort IMO. Anyway, to each their own. It bothers some people, others don't mind. However, I think removing silicone from the vapour path would broaden the appeal of the UD. :2c:


Great Scott!
So wednesday I took a T-break day (probably ~10 days EVER in the last 4+ years). Yesterday I used my MFLB before bowling and didn't notice much overall difference.

Later at night I took a single, but lung busting, aqua vape massive underdog hit and WOW. I was sitting there thinking to myself "why did I go overboard after a tolerance break and vape so much". Then I remembered I had taken but one single (huge) hit off of a particularly tiny tiny stem pack! My jaw literally hit the floor. I went to bed around 9 last night simply wiped out and left the dog plugged in until 1 am when I woke up well rested and remembering my dreams (2 things I never feel). I unplugged it at 1 and went back to bed until 6 to get up for work.

I was literally blown away by it. I can't believe the difference it made to use the UD after a single day off which is unheard of for me. I may have to TRY to take a day off here and there more often. I do find it strange that the MFLB wasn't noticeably stronger compared to its usual effects though.


shade-tree vapor engineer
hazy said:
Actually, I wasn't concerned about silicone at first, which is why I wanted to try these stems. I didn't realise that the silicone would have such a rubbery smell about it. Even though the smell "disappeared" after a while, just the idea that the stems are capable of producing a smell like that has set off alarm bells. This is unlike the plastic used in the PD stems for example, which seems quite inert. I think it was mentioned that the silicone tubing is rated up to 500F, so it is being pushed to the upper end of its operating range when used in a vaporizer - a bit too close for comfort IMO. Anyway, to each their own. It bothers some people, others don't mind. However, I think removing silicone from the vapour path would broaden the appeal of the UD. :2c:

Hey hazy - thanks for giving it a shot and like you said 'to each their own'.. you're not entirely alone in your feelings about the silicone and like you said a non-silicone option might broaden the appeal of the UD. A hard stem is on my list of things to consider making one of these days. Maybe if/when I do you can try that and see if it suits your uses better. :peace:


here for the chicks
Every time I've seen Dave post over the last 36 hours I franticly run to this thread to see if he posted the latest Doggies already, this one almost gave me a heart attach, lol

Just a few more questions: do the stems for the CRZ fit the UD without modifications? And if so, which ones would I need, the SS ones or the ones for the older Zap cores?

Also, if a Dog is preheated, do you have to wait awhile before hitting it or can you just insert a stem and have it produce clouds straight away?


Slightly Stoopid
The UD can stay running 24/7 and producing large clouds is as easy as packing a stem/bowl and inhaling. No need to wait between hits either, I find that if I leave my stem on the core after the first hit then my second hit will be twice as big.


cluffy said:
@tombs: The 3/8" stems will fit tightly into a 14mm GG female and it's easy to trim a chamfer on the end so they fit even better. If you have 19mm GG you should still have no problem finding a way to adapt, they fit loosely into a 19mm female.

This is great to hear. So basically I would just jam one end of the silicon tube into the downstem of the bong?

I'm really looking forward to getting my paws on a Purpleheart Twig. I'm planning on using it as my primary (only) vape.

Regarding the discussion of heat, size etc... Where would the Purpleheart fall in the spectrum of wood densities that are being used in UD designs?


Great Scott!
OhTheAgony said:
Every time I've seen Dave post over the last 36 hours I franticly run to this thread to see if he posted the latest Doggies already, this one almost gave me a heart attach, lol

Just a few more questions: do the stems for the CRZ fit the UD without modifications? And if so, which ones would I need, the SS ones or the ones for the older Zap cores?

Also, if a Dog is preheated, do you have to wait awhile before hitting it or can you just insert a stem and have it produce clouds straight away?

Heat, insert, VAPOR. :brow:

No waiting around nonsense with these babies.
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