Underdog Log Vapes


Well-Known Member
I am stiring after every hit. Ive found the nong has to be emptied out and stirred for consistent avb, green likes to hide near the screen- but it gets totally cooked on top, It’s definitely not spent- Probably just a poor photo. Ill post some more photos after work.

If the top is vaping but not the bottom (next to the screen) then you have definitely either overloaded it or the heat is up too high, my money is on both.

UDs, even Alphas, do not require massive amounts of herb. I've been using UDs for 6 years and I haven't typically been consistent with load size until recently. You really really really only need tiny amounts. Try a thinner layer in the bowl, and turn the heat down so it doesn't char like that. It may take a little finagling but once you hit it, it'll be way easier from then on.

Maybe this isn't typical, but for me, I've found that I have to make adjustments sometimes when I start a new batch. But if I'm making BIG adjustments, I've done something wrong. Either I overloaded, or the weed is still to dry. There's basically nothing else to go wrong with these. I'm using stupidly tiny loads now and really only have to hit it the once to get it pretty evenly toasted.

It will not take YOU or most other people 6 years to adjust. I have memory problems so ... I have tended to figure something out and then forget it, LOL! I'm pretty sure I've discovered the "right" way to do this several times - and then forgot. So as long as your brain is not melting the way mine is, you will get this worked out a hell of a lot sooner.

My solution to the quantity factor is to preload multiple stems and hit them one at a time. With the Alpha dog, and its larger bowl, I figure I'll be able to do just one bowl most of the time, instead of 2 or 3 standard size glass stem loads.


Well-Known Member
If the top is vaping but not the bottom (next to the screen) then you have definitely either overloaded it or the heat is up too high, my money is on both.

UDs, even Alphas, do not require massive amounts of herb. I've been using UDs for 6 years and I haven't typically been consistent with load size until recently. You really really really only need tiny amounts. Try a thinner layer in the bowl, and turn the heat down so it doesn't char like that. It may take a little finagling but once you hit it, it'll be way easier from then on.

Maybe this isn't typical, but for me, I've found that I have to make adjustments sometimes when I start a new batch. But if I'm making BIG adjustments, I've done something wrong. Either I overloaded, or the weed is still to dry. There's basically nothing else to go wrong with these. I'm using stupidly tiny loads now and really only have to hit it the once to get it pretty evenly toasted.

It will not take YOU or most other people 6 years to adjust. I have memory problems so ... I have tended to figure something out and then forget it, LOL! I'm pretty sure I've discovered the "right" way to do this several times - and then forgot. So as long as your brain is not melting the way mine is, you will get this worked out a hell of a lot sooner.

My solution to the quantity factor is to preload multiple stems and hit them one at a time. With the Alpha dog, and its larger bowl, I figure I'll be able to do just one bowl most of the time, instead of 2 or 3 standard size glass stem loads.
Thanks for all your replies, I really do appreciate you taking the time! - I guess this is my fault as I was under the impression by folks like arb that it was a “flowerpot killer” by that i mean could take large loads efficiently, and wouldnt need time to reheat between hits. Milking huge bowls all day. The main reason I purchased the alpha was because my e43 was nice, but bothered me because of fragile construction and exposed coil, I was hoping the alpha would be a heavy like that in log form if it makes sense. Ive now learned that logs are low wattage - and don’t work like a flowerpot or e43. If its supposed to be loaded with tiny loads like you said, I don’t really understand what its for compared to a underdog, or woodscents- so if you could shine some light on why people purchase the alpha that would be great! Im sure its a fantastic vape- I just think I purchased it with the wrong expectations/ wrong reasons.



Well-Known Member
Honestly I think you're looking at it kind of skewed. You don't NEED huge loads. You get FULL MEASURE from each load. It is WAY WAY more efficient than anything other than another log vape that I know of. So it's like you use half the total bud to get twice the effect but you might have to do it in 2 loads rather than one. I'm pretty much pulling those numbers out of the air but basically, you will use far less weed overall.

I vape every day (with time off recently when I feel too ill to vape, like today) and I am going through about 1/8th oz per MONTH. Possibly a bit less. Now I'm admittedly a bit of a lightweight, but when I did have access to weed in the distant past, I NEVER bought less than a quarter ounce and I went through that in about a month, or 2 weeks if I was sharing. And I was ONLY smoking (not vaping) on the weekends that I did not have my son. I used a pipe back then, I never could roll a joint to save my life. Not even with one of those little machines that are supposed to do it for you LOL!

So coming from smoking, the difference is HUGE. Coming from the flowerpot? You may not feel the difference at first. You've got weed habits - we all do - and some of those weed habits may not be necessary or may actually be detrimental to the new vape. Since I've never used a Flowerpot I'm not sure what the differences are, but with all that metal, I'll bet its more convection than conduction (or at least more than an Underdog).

So maybe we need to know a little bit more about the Flowerpot to help. Or at least I do, LOL!

You may want to go with a bong. I think a bong helps to give you the feeling of ginormous clouds - I don't think its the effect you are missing so much as the clouds themselves. Your lungs can only absorb so much THC at a time - I'm wondering as to how much THC and terpenes go to waste when you blow giant clouds from big loads.

BTW I think you might be able to put a larger load in the bong and still get good heat from the Alpha. I could be wrong - I am probably the least sophisticated user on this forum, but I'm pretty sure when I was using the bong with my econodog, I was putting loads into the bong that were the same as I used to put in the pipe (in quantity) and the Econodog cooked it just fine. I stopped using it because it was such a pain to clean and I lost the little glass thingy they use in the bowl instead of the screen. I also broke the draw tube *sigh*. And I didn't feel like I needed to "clean" the vape, as long as I don't combust (which I hardly ever do any more, only if I've let the herb get too dry).
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your replies, I really do appreciate you taking the time! - I guess this is my fault as I was under the impression by folks like arb that it was a “flowerpot killer” by that i mean could take large loads efficiently, and wouldnt need time to reheat between hits. Milking huge bowls all day. The main reason I purchased the alpha was because my e43 was nice, but bothered me because of fragile construction and exposed coil, I was hoping the alpha would be a heavy like that in log form if it makes sense. Ive now learned that logs are low wattage - and don’t work like a flowerpot or e43. If its supposed to be loaded with tiny loads like you said, I don’t really understand what its for compared to a underdog, or woodscents- so if you could shine some light on why people purchase the alpha that would be great! Im sure its a fantastic vape- I just think I purchased it with the wrong expectations/ wrong reasons.

@Atomic11 I totally feel you on this.. I bought it expecting a heavy hitter in log form, and got something that can only (and barely) evenly roast micro-dose-sized quantities. Don't get me wrong, what the Alpha extracts after a good 30min+ of heat-soak/re-warmup between hits produces thick and flavorful vapor, it just doesn't extract the very edges very well (if at all) and requires stirring, especially to get the deep corners of the stem-pack. It also doesn't help that each hit after that first hit is significantly weaker, making it more difficult to get those last green spots of bud.. I was expecting
UDs, even Alphas, do not require massive amounts of herb. I've been using UDs for 6 years and I haven't typically been consistent with load size until recently. You really really really only need tiny amounts. Try a thinner layer in the bowl, and turn the heat down so it doesn't char like that. It may take a little finagling but once you hit it, it'll be way easier from then on.
@CurryLeafTreehugger I wish that was more apparent on the UD website.. this pic below seems to be the most information regarding the heater (aside from the beautiful wood, craftsmanship, and hefty price tag) and quite misleading given my personal experience and others' experiences on FC, VE, and other discords:
"Alpha-Dogs are meant for large bowls, which means that micro-dosing is not an option."
Seems a bit odd since micro-dose-sized stem packs seem to be the only consistent experience I've had, and what seems you've had as well.

From my personal experience as well, it seems the heater can't keep up with my lungs! Anything faster than a medium draw will make the first hit (after a good 30min+ heatup/re-warmup) cut out well before my lungs reach full capacity. Slow to medium draws don't usually stop extracting before the end of the first hit (unless I don't wait 30min+ between stem packs), and every following hit is significantly weaker. Given the only other log I've used before this is a 2017 WS (w/ VVPS), I never had any problems with it keeping up with putting out heat, dyna/stem pack after pack, but doesn't seem to be the same case with the Alpha heater


Well-Known Member
@Atomic11 I totally feel you on this.. I bought it expecting a heavy hitter in log form, and got something that can only (and barely) evenly roast micro-dose-sized quantities. Don't get me wrong, what the Alpha extracts after a good 30min+ of heat-soak/re-warmup between hits produces thick and flavorful vapor, it just doesn't extract the very edges very well (if at all) and requires stirring, especially to get the deep corners of the stem-pack. It also doesn't help that each hit after that first hit is significantly weaker, making it more difficult to get those last green spots of bud.. I was expecting

@CurryLeafTreehugger I wish that was more apparent on the UD website.. this pic below seems to be the most information regarding the heater (aside from the beautiful wood, craftsmanship, and hefty price tag) and quite misleading given my personal experience and others' experiences on FC, VE, and other discords:
"Alpha-Dogs are meant for large bowls, which means that micro-dosing is not an option."
Seems a bit odd since micro-dose-sized stem packs seem to be the only consistent experience I've had, and what seems you've had as well.

From my personal experience as well, it seems the heater can't keep up with my lungs! Anything faster than a medium draw will make the first hit (after a good 30min+ heatup/re-warmup) cut out well before my lungs reach full capacity. Slow to medium draws don't usually stop extracting before the end of the first hit (unless I don't wait 30min+ between stem packs), and every following hit is significantly weaker. Given the only other log I've used before this is a 2017 WS (w/ VVPS), I never had any problems with it keeping up with putting out heat, dyna/stem pack after pack, but doesn't seem to be the same case with the Alpha heater
Yep, You hit the nail on the head with this post mason.


Well-Known Member
I have similar feelings on this as @Atomic11 and @masonjars and also appreciate all the tips shared. My extraction/experience is still inconsistent after a good bit of experimentation, even with small loads. While I am sure most of it is my technique (or lack thereof..) as well as perhaps some misguided expectations, I find myself frustrated a lot trying using it. Many others have obviously had great success, I just don't think this (or any log vape) is gonna get a lot of use in my lineup.

Considering this I've decided to list my alpha :/

Definitely not trying to knock it, there are a lot of pros, but at the price tag I don't think it's right for me.


Well-Known Member
I have similar feelings on this as @Atomic11 and @masonjars and also appreciate all the tips shared. My extraction/experience is still inconsistent after a good bit of experimentation, even with small loads. While I am sure most of it is my technique (or lack thereof..), I find myself frustrated a lot trying using it. Many others have obviously had great success, I just don't think this (or any log vape) is gonna get a lot of use in my lineup.

Considering this I've decided to list my alpha :/

Definitely not trying to knock it, there are a lot of pros, but at the price tag I don't think it's right for me.
I really really wanted to love it. I love my enano so much- I thought I was a log guy!


Well-Known Member
I have similar feelings on this as @Atomic11 and @masonjars and also appreciate all the tips shared. My extraction/experience is still inconsistent after a good bit of experimentation, even with small loads. While I am sure most of it is my technique (or lack thereof..) as well as perhaps some misguided expectations, I find myself frustrated a lot trying using it. Many others have obviously had great success, I just don't think this (or any log vape) is gonna get a lot of use in my lineup.

Considering this I've decided to list my alpha :/

Definitely not trying to knock it, there are a lot of pros, but at the price tag I don't think it's right for me.
Understandable. That bloodwood is quite the looker though, hope it finds a good home!

Sour Dream

Blue Dream enthusiast
Thanks for all your replies, I really do appreciate you taking the time! - I guess this is my fault as I was under the impression by folks like arb that it was a “flowerpot killer” by that i mean could take large loads efficiently, and wouldnt need time to reheat between hits. Milking huge bowls all day. The main reason I purchased the alpha was because my e43 was nice, but bothered me because of fragile construction and exposed coil, I was hoping the alpha would be a heavy like that in log form if it makes sense. Ive now learned that logs are low wattage - and don’t work like a flowerpot or e43. If its supposed to be loaded with tiny loads like you said, I don’t really understand what its for compared to a underdog, or woodscents- so if you could shine some light on why people purchase the alpha that would be great! Im sure its a fantastic vape- I just think I purchased it with the wrong expectations/ wrong reasons.

I was under the same impression about how powerful it was, if something is called a flowerpot killer then I would expect it to have similar if not better performance. At the same time I never thought it could out power the flowerpot since its heater and such is much smaller. Based on the quote below it sounds like it competes i an different way, you get more thc from each bowl than competing vapes?
Honestly I think you're looking at it kind of skewed. You don't NEED huge loads. You get FULL MEASURE from each load. It is WAY WAY more efficient than anything other than another log vape that I know of. So it's like you use half the total bud to get twice the effect but you might have to do it in 2 loads rather than one. I'm pretty much pulling those numbers out of the air but basically, you will use far less weed overall.

I vape every day (with time off recently when I feel too ill to vape, like today) and I am going through about 1/8th oz per MONTH. Possibly a bit less. Now I'm admittedly a bit of a lightweight, but when I did have access to weed in the distant past, I NEVER bought less than a quarter ounce and I went through that in about a month, or 2 weeks if I was sharing. And I was ONLY smoking (not vaping) on the weekends that I did not have my son. I used a pipe back then, I never could roll a joint to save my life. Not even with one of those little machines that are supposed to do it for you LOL!

So coming from smoking, the difference is HUGE. Coming from the flowerpot? You may not feel the difference at first. You've got weed habits - we all do - and some of those weed habits may not be necessary or may actually be detrimental to the new vape. Since I've never used a Flowerpot I'm not sure what the differences are, but with all that metal, I'll bet its more convection than conduction (or at least more than an Underdog).

So maybe we need to know a little bit more about the Flowerpot to help. Or at least I do, LOL!

You may want to go with a bong. I think a bong helps to give you the feeling of ginormous clouds - I don't think its the effect you are missing so much as the clouds themselves. Your lungs can only absorb so much THC at a time - I'm wondering as to how much THC and terpenes go to waste when you blow giant clouds from big loads.

BTW I think you might be able to put a larger load in the bong and still get good heat from the Alpha. I could be wrong - I am probably the least sophisticated user on this forum, but I'm pretty sure when I was using the bong with my econodog, I was putting loads into the bong that were the same as I used to put in the pipe (in quantity) and the Econodog cooked it just fine. I stopped using it because it was such a pain to clean and I lost the little glass thingy they use in the bowl instead of the screen. I also broke the draw tube *sigh*. And I didn't feel like I needed to "clean" the vape, as long as I don't combust (which I hardly ever do any more, only if I've let the herb get too dry).
I own a flowerpot so one of its strengths is its how powerful its heat generation is, after Its heated up you don't have to wait for the next hit. Its also known for its versatility, reliability, durability and the fact that its so modular that should something happen you can just easily replace that part. I honestly just think they are two different paths in the desktop vaping world but I don't know for sure since I haven't gotten an Underdog yet


Well-Known Member
is anyone found that they only get consistent results over 12 volts? Anything under 12 volts seems to cool down too fast during a hit even with a very verrrry slow inhale. I saw one person get frothy milk at 11.1 volts, but for me 11.1 volts wont even emit much vapor and will definitely not cook the bowl. very confused about the voltages.


shade-tree vapor engineer
@masonjars @NimChimpsky @Atomic11

Sorry to hear you guys aren't getting those Alphas to work how you expected. I've never had/used a Flowerpot but my understanding is that it's an e-nail type solution that can run 100+ watts? I think this is an apples and oranges issue.. the Alpha (or Log Vapes in general) aren't likely to compete well with that when they only draw a tiny fraction of the power.. in the Alpha case we're talking 8-9 watts at max.

What the Alpha does best is produce great clouds with small amounts of material (compared to non-Logs) while sitting there running 24/7 year after year and without the look of a dab rig sitting on your desk/table/whatever.

Directly comparing an 8w vape to a 100w vape is likely the problem here.

At any rate we don't want you to be unhappy with a Log if that's not the right kind of vape for your needs so if you want to send them back we'll do that for you guys even though it's not something we normally do. :2c::peace:


Well-Known Member
@Atomic11 I totally feel you on this.. I bought it expecting a heavy hitter in log form, and got something that can only (and barely) evenly roast micro-dose-sized quantities. Don't get me wrong, what the Alpha extracts after a good 30min+ of heat-soak/re-warmup between hits produces thick and flavorful vapor, it just doesn't extract the very edges very well (if at all) and requires stirring, especially to get the deep corners of the stem-pack. It also doesn't help that each hit after that first hit is significantly weaker, making it more difficult to get those last green spots of bud.. I was expecting

@CurryLeafTreehugger I wish that was more apparent on the UD website.. this pic below seems to be the most information regarding the heater (aside from the beautiful wood, craftsmanship, and hefty price tag) and quite misleading given my personal experience and others' experiences on FC, VE, and other discords:
"Alpha-Dogs are meant for large bowls, which means that micro-dosing is not an option."
Seems a bit odd since micro-dose-sized stem packs seem to be the only consistent experience I've had, and what seems you've had as well.

From my personal experience as well, it seems the heater can't keep up with my lungs! Anything faster than a medium draw will make the first hit (after a good 30min+ heatup/re-warmup) cut out well before my lungs reach full capacity. Slow to medium draws don't usually stop extracting before the end of the first hit (unless I don't wait 30min+ between stem packs), and every following hit is significantly weaker. Given the only other log I've used before this is a 2017 WS (w/ VVPS), I never had any problems with it keeping up with putting out heat, dyna/stem pack after pack, but doesn't seem to be the same case with the Alpha heater
It is absolutely true that Alpha dogs are not intended for microdosing.

I don't know why you are having trouble with yours but I've never had any such troubles with any Underdog I've ever owned, and I'm about to get my fourth and fifth Underdogs - an Alpha and an SC3+. I'll let you know Wed or Thurs how they are working. I've never had any problem in the past, and I do not expect any problems now.

The blurb you posted is absolutely accurate. The bowl on the Alpha stems is way huger than the standard stems. If you look back in fairly recent past posts, there is a discussion about the differences between the Alpha capacity and the standard, and it was a very large difference. But if you want to vape large quantities, larger than a regular pipe load, then get a Volcano. Underdogs are not intended to pump out huge volumes of vapor, nor are they marketed to do that. If you fill an Alpha bowl, you are NOT microdosing.

It seems you want something that acts like a Volcano, in which case that's what you should have gotten.

All Underdogs are not expensive. Its one of the reasons I love them. They could make tons of money on just the expensive Alphas and the fancy woods, but they always have more economical log vapes available. The innards are all the same, its just the wood that differs.

@Atomic11 - I'm wondering if there might be a problem with your VVPS?

My alpha won't be here until tomorrow, so I can't yet speak from personal experience, but something is not right. You should not be having these problems. I'll be getting two vapes, so 2 of the new VVPS also. I'll test them against my Tekpower, which is a lot larger but its been a real workhorse for me. The VVPS don't actually have to be accurate (within reason) but they do need to be reliable, eg when you dial a number in it should always be roughly the same temperature. You'll get a little fluctuation due to the temp in the environment - I've found that no amount of turning the voltage up makes my UD usable outside on a windy, cool day - and a little due to normal fluctuations in the power supply. But it shouldn't be cooking unevenly IF you haven't overloaded and IF the weed is sufficiently hydrated.

I've only ever heard of one other person who thought they might be having a problem with the VVPS and UD did test out a bunch of the ones he still has on the bench, not sure what the upshot of that was. But I'm pretty sure those VVPS's have been pretty reliable, so if there IS something going on with yours, it'd have to be something pretty unusual.

I do agree, it seems there are some unrealistic expectations at work here, largely having to do with much more powerful and every bit as expensive (if not more so) machines like the Volcano and the Flowerpot (which, it turns out, is about 10x as powerful as any Underdog). I love my UDs, but they are not Volcanos, they are log vapes, and they are very powerful for a log vape. It has taken me a long time (partly because I keep forgetting incremental progress, LOL!) but I thoroughly understand now just how light a hand I can take with my herb. If I overload, I NEVER get as good a draw, it tends to cook unevenly, and I end up having to draw on it 3 or 4 times and stir a lot. When that happens I am positive I am wasting THC.

I've always thought of the log vapes as essentially one-hitters that extract very efficiently from small amounts. Is that incorrect?

The way I've been loading lately leaves me with nearly perfectly browned ABV. The only ABV I've seen come out of a vape more evenly browned is out of the Plenty - and I can't get a good hit off that, I don't know where the THC goes but it doesn't make it to my lungs. But it does turn out absolutely perfectly evenly browned AVB.
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Well-Known Member
OK so I just got my UDs and they have now been plugged in for one half hour.

I got ALL KINDS of stuff in the package including ....

*squeal of delight*



And a ton of new screens, stems, the dogs themselves of course, uber cute little plastic thingies that hold the screens (so I won't have to find my old one and I won't have to resort to a medicine bottle to store them LOL!)

Here are the doggies themselves, Hawaiian Koa SC3+, my current Tiger Maple SC2, and the mighty mighty ALPHA of them all

20210316_165000 small.jpg

This is how much herb I am using. I scoop a small amount out of my container, then I tap the end to settle it (this actually picks up less than the suck-it-up method and its easier for me to NOT overload it this way, I also feel like I get better airflow.

20210316_165248 small.jpg

OK in the time I typed this up, took the pictures, and finished opening everything in the box (CHRISTMAS IN MARCH!!! YAY!!!)

an hour has passed. Should be plenty warm enough. Starting with the Alpha, here I go ...


I'm convinced. But I do think I need to lower the voltage a tad, I think at 10.8/10.9 its a little too hot.

OH MY GAWD! Ok I didn't wait long enough for it to cool down. Also, I discovered that the Hawaiian Koa was plugged in but I failed to ACTUALLY turn the VVPS on. The Alpha is plugged in to the Tekpower which was already on.

I will say I now see what people are talking about when they talk about restricted airway. The Alpha is very very very very OBVIOUSLY a much much easier draw. I have to lower the temp and use less power with the draw, otherwise I take it in too fast and end up coughing because the cloud is so much stronger than it has been with my SC2. I'm sure that is at least partly because of the larger load, maybe entirely because of that. I would never characterize this as a microdose, its about all I can actually handle, more, in fact, at this point.

I'm going to wait a little while for the Alpha to cool down just a little, and for Agni (Hawaiian Koa) to heat up.

Also, before I forget - I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the shape and heft of the alpha. It's not a full on vase shape, just a nice subtle hourglass sort of shape. In addition to the weight of the wood - and it is a substantial piece of maple that has some weight to it in and of itself - I asked UD to weight the bottom to make it less likely for the cord to pull it over.

On Agni, a standard size vape, this hasn't STOPPED it getting pulled over but its a lot less likely.

And on the Alpha (I am reconsidering her name, think I've got it but I want to let it settle) - the weight in the bottom blends in particularly well with the substantial (for its size) weight of the body of the vape and it is absolutely rock solid anywhere I set it down - YET NOT heavy in use. It just feels REALLY comfortable in my hand. I think that is mostly the shape of it but also partly the weight of it. I like it. A lot.

K then, waiting for cool down and warm up for round 2 ...


Fan of Hot Air Makers.
@arb I love mine dude and appreciate the recommendation. I guess not everyone is loving theirs, but that's why the vape world has so many options.

I am super happy with my purchase, but I can understand being upset at such a costly non essential device not performing as hoped. I've been getting GREAT results and I feel I'm using a lower voltage than most here. I will admit, mine does require some stirring between hits, but I would probably stir even if I didn't need to as it's become a habit.

I don't want to discount anyone else's experience, I just want to let people know how it's working for me.


Semi shaved ape
I never said I don't stir......if I did please link me that one as I was 12-10 fuckered up.
Nor did I ever say the bowl physically holds more cannabis than a coil driven unit.
I said it hits harder,denser,smoother,tastier and safer.
Those things I will indeed take all credit for saying cuz they are true.


Well-Known Member
The Alpha absolutely outperforms the weedeater and e43.
I said it hits harder,denser,smoother,tastier and safer.
Those things I will indeed take all credit for saying cuz they are true.
Personally, I feel it's the dozens to hundreds of statements like the above that's causing the 'misunderstanding'. And these are actually the milder ones lol. Another member mentioned being sold on the FlowerPot killer statement. I'm sure there are tons more lol.

If you noticed, the manufacturer already confirmed that enail based desktops shouldn't even be compared to any logs in general. His actual words were, "it'll not compete well". "Apples and oranges". Thats big in manufacturer language. I own both multiple logs and multiple enail based models and can confirm the same. Even when I didn't own them all, I knew these are different category machines. The extra power is exactly why people put up with the extra safety risks.

I know you love your UDs but comparisons gotta be realistic mate. I'd love to own a UD someday but when I get it, I'll treat it as a log vape. Won't be comparing it to something else 10++ times it's size in power. Just not a fair fight brother. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Semi shaved ape
Personally, I feel it's the dozens to hundreds of statements like the above that's causing the 'misunderstanding'. And these are actually the milder ones lol. Another member mentioned being sold on the FlowerPot killer statement. I'm sure there are tons more lol.

If you noticed, the manufacturer already confirmed that enail based desktops shouldn't even be compared to any logs in general. His actual words were, "it'll not compete well". "Apples and oranges". Thats big in manufacturer language. I own both multiple logs and multiple enail based models and can confirm the same. Even when I didn't own them all, I knew these are different category machines. The extra power is exactly why people put up with the extra safety risks.

I know you love your UDs but comparisons gotta be realistic mate. I'd love to own a UD someday but when I get it, I'll treat it as a log vape. Won't be comparing it to something else 10++ times it's size in power. Just not a fair fight brother. :lol: :lol: :lol:
You're chastising me for speaking about multiple units all of which I own and have used quite a lot.
You are making statements about a unit you have never even used.
One of us is indeed.......speaking without even trying.


Well-Known Member
You're chastising me for speaking about multiple units all of which I own and have used quite a lot.
You are making statements about a unit you have never even used.
One of us is indeed.......speaking without even trying.
Ok. You're right. I tried.

I apologize for what I said. I guess you know better than the manufacturer who makes the stuff. Also sorry to bring in simple logic into this.

I guess i shall stop speaking outta my ass. Btw, chastisizing was not my intention. You might not believe this but i was trying to help. Have a great day buddy!

Edit: I also never made any statements about UD. i merely quoted the manufacturer. Talk about chaticise much lol?


Well-Known Member
Just want to say that I personally never expected this to compete with e-nail rigs and I agree with UD that they are apples and oranges. And that's perfectly fine, makes sense and seems pretty uncontroversial. My issue is I am just unable to get an even 'one hitter' (or even 2) extraction without scorching after trying all the tips listed here. Obviously others are able to and it's possible with this vape, I just don't see myself using it a lot if it's this difficult for me to use.

Really happy others are receiving their units and loving them ❤ some real beauties!
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Well-Known Member
Look I think the intent of a monster like the Volcano or the Flowerpot is totally different than what is wanted from a log vape.

For those of us who love them, we love them because we get more out of them than a monster vape. One of the things we get is stretching our weed waaaaaaay way way way far. I'm pretty sure its a bit different for each of us, but we love our logs because they deliver what we want in the way we want it and I'm not going to try to characterize why or how that is different from someone looking for a monster vape.

Ultimately, we get as high as we want - and I know for some that is quite, quite high, as in Kathy-Bates-You-Don't-Have-The-BALLS-To-Be-This-High high - as fast as we want, and the end point is not different between the two.

Just the journey.

And on that note, I shall retire. I'm way toastier than I've ever been before on this amount of weed. That Alpha is as much of a monster vape as I can imagine ever wanting, plus a bit. I haven't been able to judge Agni yet - she was way way too hot at 10.5V on the UD VVPS - and I've cooled her down to 9.2ish, did try a single load. It was a little light but frankly I'm already past my usual point of relaxation, as it were. Tomorrow I'll try switching the VVPS and see how each performs, to compare (very very extremely roughly) the UD VVPS to my TekPower.
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Well-Known Member
Directly comparing an 8w vape to a 100w vape is likely the problem here.
I think this is basically the start and finish of the whole conversation re: including the Alpha in with the heavies, and why it's why I took those sorts of comparisons with a big spoon of salt.

Unfortunately I think one or two users have really skewed expectations for what a log does.

tom battleboar

Well-Known Member
It highly depends on strain and humidity of the flowers or herb. Gong I can get 4 good hits or more. Ss 2 or 3 good strong terpy hits, last night got my Underdog smoking like fresh turned burned wood. Lol had a dc plug at 3 amps going man super heat up.


Well-Known Member
My Alpha is on the way and I have expectations that it's a "hard hitter" but I have also never owned a log so I'm being cautiously optimistic. I'm really excited, I think it will well into my lineup and I will definitely share my thoughts (in the appropriate place) of how it compares to my other desktops which would be just as hard hitting as a flowerpot imo (though I haven't tried one of those either).

Also I have to mention, I have been thoroughly impressed with @underdog and @underdogette and their AAA customer service so far! I did not expect my order to ship last week so I was very surprised and happy to see it posted on Friday.
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