Tolerance Breaks and smoking other materials

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Well-Known Member
Hello Folks

Ive been living in the middle east for about a month now with no MJ. This is the longest ive gone without it, and really my first tolerance break ever. I try to moderate it so that a break is never really neccesary. This break was needed however as I am abroad and whatnot.

Smoking Hookah (shesha) is a huge cultural thing here in the middle east. Ive been smoking hookah a few times a week because its just here and its what people do.

My question really is, how does a tolerance break work? Will smoking hookah effect my tolerance? Does a tolerance break just give your lungs time to recover and build new material for absorbtion? or does it have more to do with the amount of THC in your body? I dont plan to smoke hookah regularly when i get home. I dont smoke ciggarettes either, just MJ.

I hope my questino is clear. any help or input is appreciated, especially from cigarette smokers.


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm pretty sure that there are individual tolerances for different substances, so your tolerances are really unrelated.

It's not about absorption as much as saturation. When you use a substance, say one that activates the endocannibinoid system, your body adjusts slightly. A tolerance develops after the repeated adjustment of the body, so time away from that substance would reset your tolerance, regardless of another drug, say tobacco.

Hope this helps, enjoy the exotic Mideast. Are you into Mideast studies?


Well-Known Member
That makes sense. By aboobtion i think that i meant being able to get the chemicals into my body effectively. If that makes sense. but what you say makes sense too.

Yes, middle eastern studies is my minor. I am at a university in Jordan studying the arabic language for another week or so. Ive been here for about a month.
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