The milkshot catalogue thread.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

So first of all, apologies for having been less prolific here recently in my postings. I am in the middle of seeing to some exciting things I'll have to share with you guys in the next little while.

In the meantime, I have been thinking:

When I am looking to buy new vape hardware, I am always interested to see a few videos of the product in use.

However, I have found that videos of vapes/enails/accessories can sometimes be hard to find, especially for newer products.

I was thinking it would be great to use this thread for every member whose willing and able to share videos of each of their pieces/vapes in as many combinations as you are interested in providing.

This can be a place where we can see that new fangled vape in action hopefully before we buy it!

Please provide a written (or video) review of any products relevant, for instance, the piece used (if any), any vaporizer, the material in the vape and any custom tips or tricks you may have.

I will myself be back when some crucial replacement items ship here with a bunch of milkshots showcasing the following:

Pyrology incycler (14mm male)
Ryu Wilson custom sugar leaf 18mm male dab rig
Luke Wilson 15 arm tree

S & B Crafty
S & B Mighty
Epicvape E-nano (once I get it repaired)

2 x D-nail 1.2 with:
PukinBeagle 20mm Deep Dish Banger quartz nail
HE Infiniti
20mm Sapphire insert for Infiniti
flat coil/20mm coil

Looking forward to seeing a bunch of rigs/vapes/nails in action! :D

mod note:
Vaporization Discussion
Vapor related but not model specific - Thread moved to Ask FC
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