Temperature for baking


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering whether there are restrictions on the temperature you bake a cannabutter-cake with.
What I mean is, could the good ingredients still evaporate when heated too much or does this not matter anymore once it is all mixed in the dough?
I'm asking cause I've seen quite a few cake recipes for which the required temperature would normally be too high.



Well-Known Member
Yes the temperature is a little too high the trick is to minimize the time your cake will spend at that temp so making smaller cakes or recipes that bake faster helps to retain "ingredients"


vapor accessory addict
peterchen, I usually will bake anything with cannabutter at 325 or lower. If the temp is too high, you will destroy some of the goodies.


Well-Known Member
momofthegoons said:
peterchen, I usually will bake anything with cannabutter at 325 or lower. If the temp is too high, you will destroy some of the goodies.

I did the same so far, but was puzzled as so many different weed cake recipes on the web call for much higher temperature. I can imagine that the flash points of the ingredients are altered considerably due to being mixed in the dough but unfortunately I have no idea to which extent.


Student of Vapor
im with Mom and do not exceed 325, this just means that you will be baking for longer than initially projected but at least you will have more goodies intact at the end.
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