suggestions on how to bring down heart rate?


First the flavor, then the buZzz settles in....
Ok, So I am aware that marijuana increases heart rate within the first moments of its use.
I have monitored my heart beats, which hover around 120bpm at least for the first half an hour and gradually goes down to my normal resting heart rate which is around 80pm after about an hour and a half.

Today, I just finished vaporizing and decided to do some Tai chi. Though I was moving slow through the movements and doing deep breathing, my heart rate went up to 140bpm.
I was however, over emphasizing the moves and flexing to get a better workout and am aware that does increase heart rate somewhat, but not necessarily to 140bpm. Just sitting down and simple deep breathing doesnt really do anything after I just finished vaporizing.

I am not wrestling with anxiety or panic attacks as I find them interesting when I am extremely stoned. I am however finding these rapid heart beats annoying. Also, any physical activity outside from the daily norm makes my heart heart spike even higher. In other words, between the time bracket where my heart rate is higher than usual, it is sensitive and spikes suddenly upon exertion.

I have had my heart checked out, stress test, ecg's all came back normal, the only thing the doctor noticed is that my heart beats and blood pressure rise pretty quickly upon exertion.

Also, I dont have a variety of choices that I can make to choose herbs that are less likely to increase heart rate. So I have what I can get. eating Cannabis makes my heart rate even higher.

All comments, opinions and suggestions are welcome.
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