Storing glass stems in iso for future reclaim and always clean glass


Well-Known Member
Just curious on how folks may store glass stems? I would like to use clean glass as much as possible, so was thinking of just keeping all of my glass in an ISO filled jar. I'm going on the hope that this would leave me with always clean glass, and then whenever I would like to utilize the reclaim i can evaporate all the ISO. I'm afraid of the glass constantly clinking around in a glass masonry jar, and I don't know about grabbing a random plastic container to toss them that would not somehow breakdown and ruin the oil. I have no clue if that is even an actual concern that I should have though.
The stems that i have currently are for the ascent if that makes any difference. If nothing else, I'll just set them aside and then clean them all at once.
Sorry if this topic has been brought up before, I just haven't seen anything.
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Only specific plastics are compatible with isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Thankfully, a widely used type of plastic (polypropylene or "PP") is perfect for it. In fact, that's what the containers that iso comes in are made of.

How can you tell if it's polypropylene? Easy, turn it over and look for the little "recycle" symbol. It should have "PP" in or under it somewhere. If there are different letters, then its not polypropylene. If you dont see markings, find something else which can be identified.


Of course, this isnt the only plastic thats safe to use, but its probably your best and cheapest bet.


I use an empty olive jar to soak my Solo glass stems in ISO, and fill a wide mouth mason jar only 1/4 filled w ISO for my screens. And best part of ISO, you keep reusing it! I just love my glass. Won't give up the flavor for anything!
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies folks!
I'm going to see what I can find laying around the house that can be repurposed, I really wasn't sure how to ID the specific type of plastic that could be used.
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Well-Known Member
It's definitely worth seeking out a storage solution where you dont have your glass stems "clinking" daily. Granted they're cheap, but glass doesn't like to clink.

(Unless you're glassblower who makes money from people re-buying your glass !)
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