so i got really high and was thinking...

One night I smoked a fair amount and was just laying there thinking about stuff and this is a rant I decided to jot down...

Holy shit we are getting fucked. All the debt that America is in is getting paid off by our taxes which are slowly getting raised. And all that is is a system created by government where money equals value and we work to pay off money that the government decides to borrow and chooses how to spend, the most important of it we don't even know exactly how its being spent. But we're at a point where people are barely getting along and their aren't enough jobs to go around and the government completely fucks people over if you don't "obey the law" because they fine you and tell you money is so valuable that they can throw you in jail and take away your freedom for not paying it. And the rich are somehow blind to the poverty(or just don't care) and understand that their isn't much money to go around, for everybody to be as satisfied as he is. So he makes sure others don't come up and threaten his assets. Which basically keeps the separation between high class and lower class. Everyone's faith in the system of money is the only thing keeping the majority of people in poverty, and the rich rich. But all the people in poverty aren't smart enough to act as a team and create their own wealth. Everyone relies on the system to maintain their lifestyle instead of working together and having independence from corporations and big businesses. We are all relying on those rich people for our daily needs. And as long as we do that and keep feeding the system, we will continue to be poor and always in need of more money. But no one gets that we don't need money to survive, all money does is creates separation between the powerful and the poor. And as long as money is involved, their will always be a majority of people in the poor class. If we used our brains, we could easily create a cheap and free way to support mass independence from the things we spend most of our money on and the things we need like food and clean water and energy. Thus giving us more to spend on other things. But why haven't we done anything yet?

So basically I think that as long as we all decide to have faith in this system of money, the majority of us are getting fucked. Most of us aren't going to be successful and are going to keep working these low paying jobs and will stay stuck in this system that was so creatively made to keep the commoners away from the high class. I also think we should all smoke more weed and have more crazy thought like this haha. idk, its early, I'm tired, I might sound crazy idk, but tell me what you think if this interests you.. ill check up later, but I'm the mean time its wake and bake time:-)

mod note: This is off topic for 'Ask FC'. Thread moved to the Lounge.


Well-Known Member
Thats so true man, money is the biggest scam in a way. Imagine if everyone just worked for a private store or provided a trade/service. Thats how human beings are supposed to live. Instead half of our jobs are stuff like filing paperwork for a company with an unknown agenda. The jobs they create arent jobs at all, you are just a cog in a wheel in a machine supporting a higher cause that is in the end not even in your interest. After a few years of the coming martial law people will finally say ENOUGH and it will be a new era of free people, back to our roots, what differentiates us from machine.


now that you know 'the truth', what are you going to do about it (other than vape)?


Well-Known Member
Theres more people than the government, If even just the majority were to wake up, we could end this once and for all. Imagine the right to grow and have unlimited marijuana as a sacred right to all people. I wanna see people go back to their roots snd be almost just like modern tribes. Everyone trades and shares and theres no need for money. This could work if people accepted extreme change, but it wont in this society.
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