SE's Double Peanut Butter & Chocolate Firecrackers


Well-Known Member
SE's version of the ABV Firecracker ;)

Out of buds? Me too :(

Dealer on vacation till wendsday... Yup :(

Got a shitload of ABV that you don't know what to do with? Me too. :|

Lets make something really easy and tasty to ease those nerves :D

Here's what you need.

3-4 grams of ABV
2 cinnamon gram crackers
Your favorite brand of peanut butter [non chunky is easier to work with though]
1 Reese peanut butter cup
1 tea spoon of sugar [optional]

Preheat oven to 330F

First you mix the peanut butter and ABV together in a bowl [I recommend that you put the ABV in a blender first and grind it into powder before you mix it with the peanut butter]. Now the amount of peanut butter you use is up to you. Just make sure it's blended well together. Spread it on one of the gram crackers. Try to spread it evenly. Now here's where you would sprinkle the teaspoon of sugar. This is optional but recommended if you are using a large amount of ABV. Next cut the peanut butter cup in half and put one in the center of each half of the gram cracker. [picture 1] Now put your other gram cracker on top and completely cover with tinfoil. Put it in the oven for 21 minutes at 330F. After that let it cool for 10 minutes and enjoy. :D


The end result.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting, I think I will actually use this, I love chocolate + pb :)


NYC'D, have you ever eaten firecrackers? They're effective but not the most delicious concoction. The chocolate may help though. I was able to tolerate it but I've seen
people gag on them and find them unswallowable. The next time I make firecrackers I'll probably mash them up before eating and mix it up with a scoop of Cherry Garcia ice cream.


Well-Known Member
Aw damn it's kicking in 88.8 mph. :o

But yes the chocolate helps alot with the flavor. This is why I recommend to add a teaspoon of sugar to the top before you cook it if you used alot of ABV. It honestly tastes awesome. I hate the taste and smell of ABV too but with the addition of the chocolate and sugar made it very easy to eat. Goes great with a glass of skim milk.

I'm sure you could swap out the sugar for a pack of splenda if you are diabetic, but to me that tastes worse than ABV.


Well-Known Member
Jeff- I have made and eaten firecrackers before, I know what the taste is like :rolleyes: so I think chocolate candy would help a lot with that. I think its the easiest for single servings though.

I think artificial sweeteners are pretty bad, I definitely try to avoid them.

im sure Reeses already has a good amount of crap in it anyway :lol:

not that you couldnt use a different, less processed pb cup

im rambling, I think im medicated enough right now, but I will make these soon and post results.


Well-Known Member
That's weird. With the firecrackers I made, I could hardly taste the ABV at all and I just used Cinnamon Graham Crackers and Organic Peanut butter from Trader Joes. Spread out 2.5 grams of ABV in 4 different crackers/sandwiches. Maybe that helped.


I've never had splenda but I use stevia powder in my coffee and I like it. It has a (very) slightly weird taste but sugar makes me feel wired so I tend to avoid it.
I cannot believe that as kid when I used to go to restaurants with my parents I used to eat the sugar cubes they had on the table before the meal came. I used to just
gobble them because they tasted so good...the late sixties are idealized but there was a lot of ignorance and stupidity back then - that's a good example - along with cigarette
smoke in my face at the restaurant table.

I too am rambling...


Speaking of artificial sweeteners, I was considering buying CoffeeMate today but decided against it because it's all chemicals. I use Half & Half but it seems to start curdling before the expiration date and that's a drag. It has happened more than once. I think maybe milk is the answer; unfortunately almond milk which I love doesn't work with coffee. It's great in cereal though. So I am at an impasse now and will probably be drinking my coffee black until this is resolved.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried hemp milk? Im not sure if that would be good, I dont drink coffee, but I know the almond milk I like doesnt go well with it anyway.
I tried hemp milk once(vanilla I belive) and I thought it was more similar in taste to cow milk, but it also has a nutty type of flavor. As I said, just something I suggest, I dont know how it would be.


I will try the hemp milk; I'm sure I can find it at a nutrition shop. The worst milk for coffee in my experience was goat milk. It gave the coffee a greek salad quality.
Supposedly it's healthier than cow milk but it just wasn't happening for me.


Combustion free since '09
OMG.. You are killing me :D I am watching my calories...haven't had firecrackers in couple months. Now I REALLY want some lol. Damn those peanut butter cups look divine in there!


Well-Known Member
biojuggernaut said:
why did you rebake everything? Do you think you lost any activates by cooking your avb again?

All these things taste much better when heated together. Smores for grown folks. Shouldn't loose any actives because the oven is only set at 330F.
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