Positive Media Depictions - nonexistent

Cosmic Dude

Active Member
At this point it all boils down to this thought in the minds of millions of Americans (the US is my location, but this undoubtedly applies elsewhere):

If there is a cannabis store here, my children will become losers.

The reason for this is that all media depictions of cannabis have been negative. This is because the media corporation lawyers will remove positive depictions of cannabis consumption.

Instead, media depictions of cannabis consumption have been comedies revolving around bumbling fools. This was started by liberal counterculture director Lou Adler - who probably thought that upgrading the image from rapists and murderers to lovable bumbling fools was an improvement.

And, tobacco has made the whole idea of inhaling anything to be considered dangerous and unhealthy - even for people around you.

"Medical Marijuana" has not helped the image - for example, people do not have a positive view of Vicodin use, even though it is legal (and even though someone who has broken their arm will gratefully accept some).

Lastly, although roughly half of Americans have "tried" cannabis, only 1 in 8 Americans use cannabis regularly (monthly or more often). So, 7 out of 8 do not view it as something positive for them.
Cosmic Dude,
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