Paul Ryan, GOP


Active Member
well of course unions would be against conservative legislation, I didn't need an article to know that.

On the topic of his proposed spending cuts, why is there never a mention of cutting defense spending? Over 500 billion dollars is dedicated to defense. There will be no progress on decreasing the deficit until we can maturely debate cutting programs that are causing the deficit. Cutting NPR and other such programs reduce the debt by zero dollars, as the CBO says.

I'm sure there are deeper motivations and a lot that goes on that the public doesn't see
there are also deeper motivations that the public CAN see!! The Bush-era tax cuts add over 800 billion dollars to the deficit. So the day the House voted to cut TAXES they also extended unemployment benefits. This happened not 6 months ago, and yet millions of people actually think these people legitimately want to decrease the national debt. They want to form their social order, and they wanted to start with NPR.

Also, Clinton was the last president to reel in a surplus, and Ryan intends to do the exact opposite with hopes of decreasing the debt. Cutting taxes for the extremely wealthy and actually spending more on military than in 2010. Someone making 20 million dollars a year is paying the same percentage of tax as someone making $330,000 a year.


Herbal Alchemist
colly said:
On the topic of his proposed spending cuts, why is there never a mention of cutting defense spending? Over 500 billion dollars is dedicated to defense. There will be no progress on decreasing the deficit until we can maturely debate cutting programs that are causing the deficit. Cutting NPR and other such programs reduce the debt by zero dollars, as the CBO says.

Defense spending gets cut all the time. My Dad retired from the Navy, and everytime defense spending was cut, his retirement check was reduced. In fact, his retirement check amount would bounce up and down like a ball because of it. It always seems like the soldiers get screwed in one way or another. Defense spending doesn't just go to funding wars and buying bombs.
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