Oklahoma Earthquake


Well-Known Member
Anyone else feel/wake up to that this morning. Preliminary reports say it was a magnitude 5.6 earthquake about 9 miles from Pawnee, Oklahoma. I can already hear the people on the west coast say, "5.6 ? That ain't shit!", lol. True, but for us in the middle here it's something we don't experience often, if at all. I know it's the first time I've ever felt aftershocks. Woke me up when my bed started rattling and vibrating like one of those beds you put quarters into at a cheap hourly motel to make it shake. When it happened, I was right in the middle of a dream, vaping on a Sublimator, Herbalizer, & De Verdamper. :bowdown:All at the same time!!! Thanks a lot you stupid ass earthquake :bang:. But in all seriousness, I hope everyone around the epicenter is ok and doing alright, and that damage isn't to bad. Best wishes and a speedy recovery.
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