Oil extracts: Good or bad idea?

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I'm looking to mix mint and other herbs with my weed. I bought some mint a little while ago, but I noticed that the flavour was extremely weak when I vaped it in my MFLB. I'm thinking of buying some from amazon and then I had a thought. Why not buy mint/herbal oil extracts? They should be stronger than the leaves and you shouldn't need to use as much. I really like mixing things up, I like to enjoy what I vape, I like the smell and taste of weed as much as the next guy, but I also like the flavour of mint, lavender, among other herbs. Often I just add tea, works nicely. My concern when it comes to oil is that too much may clog the screen. If I had one small drop per trench full, should I be fine? Or should I avoid oils entirely and just get leaves?

Cool. I was just thinking of adding a small drop to more or less moisten it slightly, but I probably should get one anyway.


Well-Known Member
I would be careful using oils for two reasons.
one the oils are very concentrated, i don't think you want too much
two some oils are very flammable and you could combust
EDIT: your name is awesome! nutella is dank


Well-Known Member
Yea...some of those are really strong. I used menthol in a sauna once and a couple drops on the rocks was almost enough to make you sick at first.


Well-Known Member
You could vape oils like that off cotton, but you need a TINY amount. If your talking about mint and lavender and stuf like that, the amount that you can take is very very small. Like a drop on some cotton and then you take a small small piece of that cotton.
Plus, those oils vape at a much lower temp than your weed. Like 120°C for mint oil, or less. To tell you the truth, these oils already feel very strong below 100°C. You can try it, but be carefull. The temp that we use to vape our weed can in some cases be enough to make oils combust.

If you want to add some flavor to your weed, it's better to just add leaves or flowers, in my experience.
Alright. I ordered some different herbs. I got:
* Lavender (ground flowers)
* Spearmint (ground leaves)
* Wintergreen (ground leaves); and
* Peppermint (ground leaves)

I'm thinking of just vaping these alone as well. I bought mint (not sure what kind, was just labelled "mint") at a store, put the leaves between two paper towels and microwaved it for 3m or so. The result tasted very, VERY lightly minty, but was almost like no mint was there at all, it kinda tasted like green tea. Then again, these were very wet mint leaves. They weren't dried out. What I'm getting is dried. I think the quick drying method I used caused the oils to vapourise and soak into the paper towels. I'm hoping the dried leaves are better. I really enjoy the action of vaping something, it's relaxing to me, but I don't always want to get stoned off my ass, so I usually vape weed with different teas. I've found that chamomile and minty teas are great. Chamomile and weed is a really nice combination, has a nice lemony, citrusy taste to it. Mint tea can't be beat, it's obviously very minty and I think the caffeine vapourises because I always feel invigorated after vaping lots of it.

Also, thanks for the suggestion, guys. I still want to try the oils sometime, not really sure if I want to vape cotton though, so I'll need to do some more research into that.

Don't know if this helps anyone, but I'm posting in the hope that it does.
Herbs just came today. Peppermint seems like the best mint herb to vape. It's very strong compared to the others. I compared lavender (I know, not a mint), wintergreen (fairly weak), NOT spearmint (hasn't come in yet), and peppermint. Peppermint came out on top. Happy vaping and apologies in advance if double posting is against the rules.
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