Hey Roth! Thanks for your response

Maybe I'm a bit confused.. From this thread I have gotten the impression that some FP owners have experienced problems with the older bowls sticking in the joint after a hit (due to thermal expansion) and the new adjustabowls are the solution to this problem. This is the only sticking I am referring to. I read that a number of people are needing to wait for the bowl to cool a little before it unsticks and they can take it out to empty and reload.
Question for all FP owners - is this only a problem when the flowerpot is left sitting on the bowl for a while? I can only see myself sitting the FP on the bowl for 10 seconds max as I draw and straight off again. Is there no issue of the bowl expanding and sticking in the glass joint when used in this manner? Could use some clarity.
I would prefer to go with a pan or shovelhead, but I can't really justify the extra price of it at this time, it's pretty expensive, especially when you convert to AU dollars! I will probably upgrade 6 months down the track when I am expecting to be swimming in money lol... But even then, only if I see that upgrading will enhance my experience of using this miracle tool

From what I see the benefits are that they don't stick in the glass joint, they have a handle which is quite useful, and they look sweet. Let me know if there is other benefits though!!! What do you guys love about you pan/shovel heads over the older bowls? I'm not placing my order for another 4hrs so there is time to convince me that I should get one, or even one of the OG handled bowls instead of the 14mm stubby bowls. I can afford it if I really want it enough lol!!
Btw, thanks MinnBobber. Will get in contact with them!