New-Vape Dabtender E-nail Functioning/Review


Well-Known Member

After approximately 2 weeks of use with the New-Vape Level 3 Ti E-Nail (~$80, cheaper designs available) with the Carb Cap(~$30) and **DabTender ($125); they have easily become one of my favorite nail/bucket/bangers. The Ti is nice and heavy and GR2 of course, but what I really like is the design. I know it seems similar to others but the subtle differences in it make it so that you don’t drip extract into the holes. You can put nice size globs and the heat is dispersed well.
As for the Dabtender, its like a Ti stand for nails that doubles as a small water pipe. The fact that its made of Ti gives it a lot of utility as well as being durable. It's a pretty nice thing to have instead of glass when youre trying to set up somewhere other than home (at home I still use my glass). You can get these items at - As well as (not sure about the Dabtender from this one) - I'm sure there are other retailers as well, I just cant think of any off the top of my head.

Note - You need the Male Body Joint (screws to the E-Nail head) as well to use this which is ~$45. Optional drop down adapter is ~$70.

TLDR: Its a unique, grade A quality e-nail and the Dabtender is super useful in many situations.
This is a Xpost from Reddit btw.
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