New to concentrates, what is this?


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Company Rep
don't you still have to kind of keep toking away once it starts producing vapor though?
I use just enough for 1 or 2 puffs on my Dnail SiC Halo (that is my daily rosin driver), I find I need more product when using a banger to get the same full toke that I enjoy and find it easier to maintain than quartz/ruby even if the flavor might be a bit better on the ruby insert.
The Wand is close with its smaller dish for being frugal.


Semi shaved ape
don't you still have to kind of keep toking away once it starts producing vapor though?
She only loads enough for two hits at a time........hit,exhale,hit and swab.
If you want to take a puff walk away and come back later for another puff the sai,sequoia and core are all excellent choices for that like @BabyFacedFinster mentioned.
I also prefer the titanium buckets for those units.
So much choice and info overload makes it confusing.


(zombie) Woof.
don't you still have to kind of keep toking away once it starts producing vapor though?
No, I pull the insert at any time to halt the session and re-drop as needed.

Edit: the type of concentrate, temp, pull size/style and the amount you put in (obviously :rolleyes:) determines how many hits you receive... This is how I prefer to micro-dose w/trates.
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I may be a bit spoiled on this topic, but I really believe that using anything short of a rig is a waste of concentrate.

The effects of a dab versus consuming concentrate in a vaporizer are so completely different...

The many that are happy with pens and atomizers
will never be wiser,
but those with rigs will always get higher!


Semi shaved ape
I may be a bit spoiled on this topic, but I really believe that using anything short of a rig is a waste of concentrate.

The effects of a dab versus consuming concentrate in a vaporizer are so completely different...

The many that are happy with pens and atomizers
will never be wiser,
but those with rigs will always get higher!
What about a bubbling dab straw?


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
I don't see using my Terp pen as a waste, but the quality of the hit can be altered based on how you do it. If I draw on it too long or let the coil run dry then you can get the hot, coily, shitty taste. However, if I time the draw well and use enough to not let it run dry then I can get a very tasty hit.

People also say that the hits out of an erig are not as satisfying as a enail or torch/banger. I don't know, if I load up my Core erig I can get a hit way too massive for me to handle, just like with my enail setup. But then I tend to prefer smaller dab hits, because those cloud busting hits that others take would kill me. For example, I have looked at those Stache Rios for some time, but the hits would be way too massive. Even Troy will take a hit sometimes off his beloved Rio and then complain that it was too hot and go into a burning, coughing fit. That type of hit would wreck my throat for the evening and maybe the next day.

I have the banger, 710 coil, auber setup and the times I've used it I can't get a great experience with the smaller amounts I use. That same amount gives me a good hit in my erig bucket.

Maybe it relates to the tolerance that each person has. Not only can't I handle a lot of THC at one time, but my throat is very sensitive to extreme or hot hits. In fact, I went to concentrates over flower to reduce the amount of vaping needed. Now I'm exploring more tinctures and edibles because even the 2-3 dab hits every evening is taking its toll on my throat.


Well-Known Member
I may be a bit spoiled on this topic, but I really believe that using anything short of a rig is a waste of concentrate.
someone mentioned 'taste it to waste it' recently - I'm guessing that's kind of what you're referring to. I'm kind of in the same boat as @BabyFacedFinster - I prefer to 'sip', use my mighty to get 12-15 hits from ~.04g (wax). after reading a ton on the subject (including many of your posts), I've concluded that the vast majority of concentrate users want giant rips, so people like me (and @BabyFacedFinster ) kind of get drowned out in the conversation.

fortunately I'm a lightweight: 'sipping' .04g gets me extremely high - and the price of wax here (wa.) has gone way down, e.g. $9/g (i.e. 25 doses for lightweight me).

as far as I can tell (I have a banger, although I can't say I've mastered it), it comes down to "do I want to get really high, really fast (and maybe cough up a lung), or do I prefer a gradual slope (and rarely cough)?"


Active Member
someone mentioned 'taste it to waste it' recently - I'm guessing that's kind of what you're referring to. I'm kind of in the same boat as @BabyFacedFinster - I prefer to 'sip', use my mighty to get 12-15 hits from ~.04g (wax). after reading a ton on the subject (including many of your posts), I've concluded that the vast majority of concentrate users want giant rips, so people like me (and @BabyFacedFinster ) kind of get drowned out in the conversation.

fortunately I'm a lightweight: 'sipping' .04g gets me extremely high - and the price of wax here (wa.) has gone way down, e.g. $9/g (i.e. 25 doses for lightweight me).

as far as I can tell (I have a banger, although I can't say I've mastered it), it comes down to "do I want to get really high, really fast (and maybe cough up a lung), or do I prefer a gradual slope (and rarely cough)?"
I prefer the gradual slope method. I hack so hard I gag and I don’t want to throw up especially in a group session.


(zombie) Woof.
If you're using a proper enail/banger/torch/rig and you're unable to receive tolerable hits the way you prefer, you're either doing it wrong (improper skills or tools) or maybe true dabbing just isn't for you.... Despite the name, using a "dab pen" isn't dabbing, imo. Neither is chucking trates in a flower vape.


Well-Known Member
If you're using a proper enail/banger/torch/rig and you're unable to receive tolerable hits the way you prefer, you're either doing it wrong (improper skills or tools) or maybe true dabbing just isn't for you

I've watched tons of online videos and read tons of posts here, looking for advice on how to use a banger to get hits that are tasty but not lung-busting, and I'd prefer to space the hits out instead of doing them in rapid succession (which seems to be a feature of all those videos). I'm going to try tiny dabs using the cold-start technique; it looks doable, although I'd have to Q-tip every hit or two. do you think that's my best shot at getting what I'm after?

or maybe, as you wrote, dabbing just isn't for me.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a place to use a rig. Even if I did I doubt I'd go through the trouble or the expense. I do have a puffco pen (the stealthiest vape I've ever owned), use it daily and it works aok for me. I load small amounts at a time, have the setting I prefer figured out and get perfectly satisfying hits with zero effort. No waste, no crappy taste. No comparison to giant rig hits but they're not my style. A brief session of smaller hits takes care of me. I don't worry too much about whether I'm dabbing or not dabbing.

My first g of concentrate went pretty quickly as I experimented with two different pens and that made me think I wouldn't get too into concentrates due to the expense (flower is expensive enough!). Since then, I've been super impressed with the milage I'm getting out of my live budders and sugars with my preferred pen. Were it not for my pen, I wouldn't be able to enjoy concentrates. And I do enjoy them!


(zombie) Woof.
I've watched tons of online videos and read tons of posts here, looking for advice on how to use a banger to get hits that are tasty but not lung-busting, and I'd prefer to space the hits out instead of doing them in rapid succession (which seems to be a feature of all those videos). I'm going to try tiny dabs using the cold-start technique; it looks doable, although I'd have to Q-tip every hit or two. do you think that's my best shot at getting what I'm after?

or maybe, as you wrote, dabbing just isn't for me.
I'd def try tiny dabs with a cold start tech thru a multi-arm/slit tree or showerhead perc rig... but like I said, I usually only drop a cold pre-loaded insert (w/pearl) into a preset low temp banger/coil and start pulling lightly, enough to slowly spin the pearl, as the low temp terps and stuff begin to boil off... just be sure to leave enough breath at the backend of your hit to cool your throat.

The banger gets quickly swabbed between each session and the insert gets thoroughly cleaned (or dumped into a bath) and swapped with a clean one between each dab.
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Well-Known Member
I usually only drop a cold pre-loaded insert (w/pearl) into a preset low temp banger/coil and start pulling lightly, enough to slowly spin the pearl, as the low temp terps and stuff begin to boil off.
thanks for the suggestion. I don't have an e-rig or insert - just a banger, carb cap, pearl, and torch. do you think adding an insert would make much of a difference?


(zombie) Woof.
thanks for the suggestion. I don't have an e-rig or insert - just a banger, carb cap, pearl, and torch. do you think adding an insert would make much of a difference?
Sure thing!

tbh, I never bothered all that much with learning proper torch tech and waited until my kids were old enough to buy a controller, coil and rig that could be left out in a proper area/room... and using inserts this way has always intrigued me (makes too much damn sense!), so that's the tech I've spent most of my time exploring and focusing on since purchasing my @710Coils setup(s) around Black Friday last year.... I do have 2 types of round bottom bangers that I have used a few times for cold starts with a small torch and rig and they both worked fine. I probably wouldn't recommend investing in an e-coil/insert system, unless you're sure you like/want the full effects of concentrates... I was.

Your rig/percs should comfortably supply all the needed vapor conditioning.

Here's a pic of my current setup (it's always changing!):
talk about "sipping", it's almost HOOKAH-like with the whip...! (6.5 grams of Ice Cream Cake x Peanut Butter Breath live resin to "practice"...:tup::peace:)
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