New Sneak-a-Vape seems clogged



If I just try to suck on the Sneak-a-Vape it seems completely clogged.

In the videos the person clicks the Sneak-a-Vape and immediately vapor starts shooting out the end. I'd love mine to work that way but it doesn't. No matter how long I keep it lit, no vapor ever shoots out of the end! If I keep it lit a real long time (a minute) if I suck as hard as I can I can just barely suck some vapor through.

Am I doing something wrong or did I forget to remove something or do something to the 'Sneak' before using it?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Having never used the thing, and knowing its a butane-lighter based vape, I would suspect you have the flame adjusted too low, or rather, it came from the factory like that. Look at the bottom of the lighter end of the device and see how there is (maybe? probably?) a nozzle to refill it, and around that is a ring you can adjust with a screwdriver. Lefty-loosey will make the flame larger, go out just a tiny bit and try again, then a tiny bit again if necessary.

Not sure if this will help, sorry if it doesn't.

The guy in the video looks like he has what would seem to be a massive flame for how close the bowl is to the heat source. I think it's instantly shooting "vapor" out the end because it's basically on fire and being whoooshed out with the natural air movement of the jet lighter.
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