Need drawstem

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Well-Known Member
I broke the drawstem in my brand new purchased-just-yesterday-bong after all of about 10 minutes of use when I almost knocked it over (it didn't go all the way down, but the tip of the drawstem broke off inside the base anyway).

No problem, thunk I, I shall merely go back to the brick'n'mortar store I bought it from and get a replacement (after all the guy boasted about having every part anyone would ever need for their bong).

Well, no, actually, he did not have a replacement stem, but I was going to go with an almost-fits instead just to get home and use it.

Long story short, turns out the guy is charging a surcharge for the use of an ATM or credit card in ANY amount. If you spend $200 in his shop, he still charges this fee, which is not allowed according to the terms of service for any credit card company I know of. Certainly not MC, Visa, or American Express. So basically because he "forgot" to put the cigar lighter on my bill yesterday, he charged me this fee twice (without my noticing) and was about to charge it again.

After some lip from his wife, I left without the downstem. It was the wrong one anyway.

So now I need to buy one online. Preferably from some place that isn't going to charge me an arm and a leg for shipping this one small (though somewhat fragile) item. I think its an 18mm to 14mm adaptor, eg the hole in the side of the bong is 18 mm but the stem I have for use with my Underdog log vape is 14mm. I don't know how long its supposed to be because I unthinkingly threw the stem part away and kept the GonG end, but I assume all I need to do is stick a measuring tape down in there and subtract an inch or so from that length so it won't hit the bottom of the bong.

Can someone suggest a glass dealer that will sell me just this one little piece without piling on a ton for shipping and handling?
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