Most vape for the given dollar?

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I was curious what people would think is the best vape for someone with very little cash.

There's obviously alot of considerations and tribulations - do you need portability, do you already have a glass piece with the appropriate joint, do you live a lifestyle where you can be constantly charging batteries, do you have problems inhaling (combusted) butane, do you require higher temperatures?

So let's just not think about those and go with out gut responses.

I say the glass vapobowl. For something that retails for between 18 and 25 dollars, and shouldn't ever be more than 30 shipped from at least one retailer, I think you get an amazingly quality vaporizing device; with all the nuances and techniques learned over a week you will be able to get all temps and avoid any burning. It's well capable of reaching that magic spot where you're hitting a wide bowl with low temps and can just get clouds and clouds of dense vapor while doing very little visible browning. A second might honestly be the VG classic.


Naruto Fan
can't get much cheaper than a soldering iron and light dimmer (hakko dash 25w US$29.)

as ugly and despiriting an experience as it may seem, and feel at times, they function the same as the heat source in many popular vapes

on the electric side of things


Well-Known Member
I'd say the VG classic. For 50 bucks brand new it's a great piece. With proper care and maintenance it can last a lifetime. Very simple design. Extremely versatile. Should be sold with a bent-arm torch though.

The vape-o-bowl sounds like a great choice for someone who already owns glass. Someone needs to mass produce em like the VG team has. With that kind of price tag, it should be made available at most headshops.


Technical Skeptical
my glass straw is similar to a glass vapobowl in that it is super simple and flame-based. last i checked they cost about $5.55 each, but you have to buy an 18 pack, so it's 100 bucks.
unlike the vapobowl, it doesn't need a glass joint to work, it is all glass, but it is easier to break, although in most instances, it is repairable. (i repaired mine with a plastic hose connector)
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