

I am new on the forum and I am wondering other peoples experiences with mj for irritable bowel syndrome or any other natural substances for IBS. I have had IBS for over 10 years and I find that mj is one of the few things that really helps.

Unfortunately there are times when it is not working so much so I tend to get frustrated and take a break for awhile. Occasionally I may feel nauseous too but I cannot tell if that is related to the IBS or to MeDIocre meds. They say go with your gut feeling but for me lately it has not felt so good.

I know there are other options out there, but I am an all natural type of person. I will go out of my way to avoid any surgery or prescription medications but sometimes we are in states or relationships where it appears that there are no other options available. Unfortunately I think too many people can relate to these feelings...


this looks promising if you enjoy raw food? http://www.vibranthealthandwealth.com/bookstore/bookstore-individual.php?ID=10

Self Healing Colitis & Crohn's 4th edition (paperback) Description:
The 4th edition of the world's #1 IBD self help book accurately explains the cause of inflammatory bowel disease and ulcers and presents a healing plan which removes the causative IBD dietary factors, setting one and all free of disease. It addresses over 12 factors that may contribute to bowel inflammation and ulcers, and shows how IBD, IBS and any digestive disorder can be permanently overcome via natural dietary and health-promoting lifestyle practices. The 100% effective Vegan Diet Healing Plan teaches step-by-step how to eat for rapid healing and long lasting health. This information instantly saved the author's life and his colon, after he had suffered with advance ulcerative colitis for 8 years and a colostomy was recommended. Thousands of people have permanently overcome inflammatory bowel illness by following this plan. Endorsed by 4 medical doctors. The author, a health counselor and Director of Colitis & Crohn's Health Recovery Center, is available to assist Author: David Klein, Ph.D.
Type: Physical
No. of Pages: 312 pages


Micro-Climate Mastermind
Theres a very interesting article on juicing raw cannabis leaves and buds to cure IBS symptoms a doc in humboldt perscribes patients a recomended 42 plants a yr (if i recall correctly) so that they can juice on a daily basis. Theres a theory that some IBS is cause by a deficiency in the humans endocannabinoid system and that juicing raw cannabis fixes this wthout a psychoactive affect.

Very intresting article on cbd and how it affects nerve/ endo receptors.


"I Need An Eighth"
Medical Marijuana helps a lot with IBS, it naturally relaxes you etc.


Vapor Enthusiast
I've had IBS for 12 years now, and I've combusted daily. Now, that I switch to vaporization, it's much more effective. I used to combust 2 - 3g's a day. It always works for me, but sometimes i needed more than other times. Now, I'm down to < 1g a day. All my doctor's know, and they can't give me anything so they just accept it. I live in a non MMJ state so juicing for me is out of the option.

I take no other medications. I've tried a lot of prescription medication. Nothing works like MJ.


MJ is amazing...

Just repeating it.

MJ truly is. I was talking about this with my mom today (she's cool with it, for a 64 y/o). She understands, I'm not kidding when I say, I would have died 2 years ago w/o MMJ.
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