Making glycerine tincture for the first time...did I screw up?

I'm trying my hand at a glycerine tincture using trimmed sugar leaves and the last and only bottle of glycerine I could find locally. Here is the recipe I am following. So my plan was to decarb the herbs first, but stoner-ass-me just went my happy way and forgot to decarb since it's not on the directions.

So did I just ruin half an ounce of good herbs or will the six hours of cooking decarb the herbs for me?


Vapor Sloth
There will be a certain amount of natural decarb that has taken place during curing, however, your final potency could definitely be effected. Not sure how much more will happen in the water bath since the temp doesn't quite go up where we need it. As in all good puddings, the proof will be in the eating yes?
Thanks t-dub. Really a bonehead move on my part. I've researched this over the last few days and could not find a definitive answer. I decided to decarb since I figured it could do nothing but help. And then I just jumped right in this morning and completely forgot. Duh!

Good news is that I have more sugar trimmings to try again. Bad news is that I have to wait until someone gets some more glycerine in around here or wait for it to come in the mail. First batch is done, so I guess we'll see.


Vapor Sloth
I did the EXACT same thing when I made green dragon . . . shit happens :) try it and let us know how it worked.
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Well, took two droppers full (1/2 tsp) subcutaneously and am definitely medicated. Took it at 8:30 and have been feeling a really nice flying high effect all night. I may have overdone it a bit because I'm starting to get some dizziness. Just had to go take a piss, and it wasn't all that easy. :lol:

This stuff most definitely has some potency, though. I wonder how much more potent it would have been if I had decarbed.


Staff member
I may have overdone it a bit because I'm starting to get some dizziness. Just had to go take a piss, and it wasn't all that easy. :lol:
I hear ya, Dude. Edibles and such can be rough. I'm getting one of these installed in my garage for my next brownie batch...
Yeah, ended up having to crawl to bed at about midnight last night. :lol: I can attest that the tincture did work without decarbing. Now, would it have been stronger with decarbing? As soon as I can get some more glycerine, I will find out.
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