Looking for EZ to use Portable Concentrate Vape

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Well-Known Member
I have been using the MFLB for several years and have been quite happy with it. I have severe chronic persistent asthma and I was able to vape with the MFLB without issues up until recently...about two months ago, I started having more coughing and bronchospasm using it. I thought perhaps my over-zealous cleaning it with rubbing alcohol may have been an issue. MFLB was kind enough to replace it. But I am having the same issue with the new one. Due to a pain issue, I had increased my usage. But not by gigantic margins. I live in a medical state and can easily obtain concentrates. I was wondering if perhaps a concentrate vape pen might be less irritating since I might be using a lot less to reach the same effect (correct me if I'm wrong). Awhile back, I did have an Omnicron, but it was VERY DIFFICULT TO LOAD and clogged up frequently. In frustration, I finally gave it away. Is there anything out there that someone has tried that can be loaded easily (such as putting a dab of something on a heating element)? And, since I'm on a limited income, one that is not overpriced (I can afford around $150 or less). And NO FREAKING CARTRIDGES like the Omnicron!!! Feedback appreciated!

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
Check out the VB dabbler or the bholt if you want to use it with a water path which will make the vapor even smoother for your lungs
clouded vision,


I actually think the cheap pens like the MicroG or Cloud work pretty well and are easy to use. The problem is that you have to keep loading. The other problem is that it is easy to get burnt stuff. If you want to go a bit more upscale you can add one of those chambered globe dabbers.

I have lung issues as well. Hits of concentrate are individually more irritating, but require fewer hits. One hit in a dabber type pen will make me very stoned. You will have to replace the atomizers a lot, but you can get them cheap. I don't get as stoned as fast from the Omicron.

Messing with water in the path sometimes seems not worth it to me. The Arizer Solo with an Ed's wood stem is quite a bit less irritating. Sometimes I don't do anything for a few days or if needed for pain or nausea, use a tincture to give my lungs a rest.


Well-Known Member
maybe you need a concentrate tray for the launchbox, i recently picked one up, along with 6 new bats, while i haven't used it that much, when i did it milked up tubes real nice.


Try adding a small amount of cotton to the end of the mouthpiece or whip or whatever you use. The idea is for the vapor going through it to diffuse a lot which makes it smoother. I was able to dab a bit of whip oil (quite good for sleep) with the launch box, concentrate tray, and power adapter simply by adding the cotton at the mouthpiece end. The result was me actually being able to comfortably hit the damn thing dry. Easy and cheap enough to give it a try? And don't clean your Box too much, it's pretty capable of keeping itself clean by design.

Barring that, the dabbler is a good contender, as well as the bholt


Well-Known Member
Da Vinci vapes waxes and oils easily. However if you have sensitive lung reactions, you'll need to tube it to a bubbler since the vape can be hot.
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