Kenny Vs Spenny


Praying Mantis
On december 22nd Kenny and Spenny will be competing to see who can smoke more weed. It's on showcase at 9pm eastern time. Spenny has always been a health nut, and I would not be surprised if a Vaporiser pops up, I'm leaning towards the extreme since the creator of extreme lives in toronto where the show is filmed.

Who Can Smoke More Weed?
Fatties are sparked as Kenny and Spenny see who can smoke the most weed. All strategies are out the window as the pressures of competing and doing a television show while puffing copious amounts of killer bud become too much to bare. Whoa. (


Well-Known Member
i dont think there can be to much cheating on this one. i havent seen that show on comedy central for a while, this a starting of a new season?

i died on the bone off one when kenny got the guy stripper for spenny and he ended up getting hard. never laughed so hard


? & beyond
Haha, whaaaattt? I had to Wiki' this one. :lol: This show looks like it might be entertaining.... as crude as it sounds, I enjoy vulgar entertainment time to time. I guess it's just cuz I'm part of the 'Jackass' generation, even though I wasn't fond of that show (CKY FTW).

To be honest.... I'd out vape both of them, combined.... anyone wanna go here? -- c'mon, put up your wands, your bags, your PD stems, I call you to arms!!!!! En garde! :D :ko:

edit//you have to supply the herb... kinda broke atm :p
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