Illinois Medical Marijuana Bill Signed Into Law Today!


Crohn's Warrior
It was announced this morning that Illinois' Governor Pat Quinn will sign the Illinois Medical Marijuana bill (Illinois HB 1) into law today! :rockon: This announcement comes 3 days before the deadline to either sign or veto the bill. While it was widely expected that he would sign it, the struggle for medical marijuana in Illinois has been long and frustrating so no one was taking anything for granted.

This makes Illinois the 20th medical marijuana state in the country. The law won't take effect until January 1, 2014, so it will take a while before we have dispensaries here in Chicago and throughout the state. This is by far the strictest medical marijuana law in the nation, but it's better than being arrested or branded as a criminal. I just hope one of my doctors will be willing to write me a recommendation. :spliff:
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Well-Known Member
Don't worry, once it gets going writing recommendations becomes a cottage industry for lazy doctors and you can price shop for recommendations. It's a stupid half-way house on the way to legalization but it's better than nothing.


Crohn's Warrior
Don't worry, once it gets going writing recommendations becomes a cottage industry for lazy doctors and you can price shop for recommendations. It's a stupid half-way house on the way to legalization but it's better than nothing.
Unfortunately, the law is much more strict in Illinois than California. You can only get a rec from a doctor with whom you have an established relationship. Here are some of the major rules:

1. Takes effect Jan 1, 2014. Expires after 4 years.
2. No patient growing. Still a felony in Illinois.
3. No prior felony drug convictions.
4. Must be fingerprinted, have a background check and register with law enforcement.
5. Recommendations can only come from a doctor with whom you have an established relationship.
6. Only specific conditions are eligible. Fortunately, Crohn's Disease is included.
7. 2.5 ounces every 2 weeks.

It's rightly been called the strictest medical mj law in the country and won't go in effect for another 5 months. It will take time for dispensaries,etc to get set up. Realistically, It will be AT LEAST a year before I can walk into a dispensary.
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Well-Known Member
Ugh! Hope it works out. The fingerprinting is simply wrong and registration has a way of backfiring: in Montana they repealed the law and the reg list became law enforcements 'usual suspects'.

Steele Concept

Transformer Tubes

Firstly congrats Illinois for progressive legislation!! Secondly, I am sorry you have Crohn's disease. I have Ulcerative Colitis so I feel your pain. CT MMJ legislation is very strict like IL, Crohns is included but Ulcerative Colitis is not. States need to start recognizing the full spectrum of IBD as covered conditions.

More studies come out all the time documenting MMJs place in the ongoing treatment protocol for sufferers of IBD. It is a shame that politicians and lobbyists have more pull than doctors. In time MMJ will be discussed more openly and in med school as well.
Steele Concept,
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