I need your help FC! PD vs. MZ

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Well-Known Member
I have a VG right now and i am looking for a at home workhorse vape. I am looking to purchase one of these log style vapes. I would like to get the PD but they are difficult to get or you have to put it together yourself with the pandora kit. This makes me want to just settle and get the MZ because it still looks pretty good. If the PD is significantly better though I would try to find a way to get the pandora kit and find help putting it together. I was just wondering if you guys could help me with pros, cons, and head to head comparisons on both including efficiency, reliability, and anything else an informed buyer should know about. Thanks, you guys are awesome.


Well-Known Member

There are threads on both of them. This has been discussed at length. You will have to decide what is important to you. I am fairly sure this discussion will be killed by the mods... for good reason... and you be will pointed that direction. You can also email the producers of both vapes directly. Ask them why you should buy their product. They will be honest and present their info.. both of them are on this forum.


Well-Known Member
Yup. Unlike what hemp;)goofy8cheerio did above, I suggest that fans in either camp refrain from recommending one over the other, for like what wthanna said above, there is so much information about both of these very good vapes, that it just doesn't make very much sense to rehash all this stuff over and over again with subjective opinions regarding why one is better than the other.

To the OP............Ya got some reading to do, both here as well as at their specific sites. Both are great vapes and both are different in some subtle ways. Being that you have nailed it down to these two, you have eliminated a lot of the trash that's on the market, which is a good thing. But before deciding on either one of these, just make sure that you want a vape of this type, and not a whip or balloon based vape.

Main differences between these two vapes is that one uses brass and the other, stainless steel. One uses Mytlewood, the other uses Cherry Wood. The warranties are a bit different. The aroma tops are a bit different. They each come packaged with a few different items. The workmanship on both are great but they both have a little different shape to them. Regarding efficiency and reliability, I'd say they are equal in both regards. Hope this helps.
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