How to clean glass part for shipping and how clean does it have to be?

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Well-Known Member
I've been wanting to sell my EQ since June and I have a friend of a friend of a friend that wants but but it's starting to take too long before he picks it up so I'm thinking of putting it on eBay.

One of the 2 cyclone bowls has a stain that even weeks of soaking in alcohol hasn't removed and it's in the corner so brushes don't reach there. Is there any way to clean this and is it safe to ship even with the stain I can get off?


Sour Deez

Active Member
Add a little salt in with the alcohol, the salt acts as an abrasive and will get that gunk off. Just keep swishing the alcohol/salt around until its clean.

This is how i clean all my glass parts and they come out looking brand new.
Sour Deez,


Well-Known Member
high % iso + kosher salt (any big grains of salt) + some kind of stiff brush should get anything off glass you can reach with the brush


Vaporizer Superstore
My favorite method is some Epsom salt and ISO in a ziploc baggie... shake this mixture up and boom, clean glass.


Well-Known Member
Thanks I'll try with salt, I actually remember using salt with iso a long time ago. Would this mixture damage the gray rubbery insulation on the top of the EQ cyclone bowl? I've been keeping the alcohol level under that part to be sure.

BTW I was hoping to have my EQ sold in June so I really want it sold this month.

A someone was supposed to come by it yesterday for $100 but he didn't have time and now won't have time until nearly 2 weeks from now. I noticed the price for it used on eBay went up and bit and seems to be $110-130 if not more, but after the fees itll be close to the $100 if I wait 2 weeks to sell it to him. Plus given the nature of the item I prefer not to send it through the mail especially when it's been used.

I guess I'll give him 2 weeks and if he hasn't bought it by then I'll put it on eBay.
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