How much vaped herb for potent brownies?

I've saved up about 15 gs could be wrong don't have a scale but about how much to make one batch of good brownies?


Well-Known Member
You have to remember that after vaporizing 15gs, you've removed a lot of the moisture weight and actives.. so you could have much less weight in ABV. Also, with out knowing what vaporizer you've used and how thoroughly vaporized your herb is.. we can't tell you how much would be enough.

Good pictures would help!


Well-Known Member
I would say your estimated 15 grams of ABV would create 8-10 good stoney brownies. Make your special brownies like you normally would, but make the servings much larger to end up with 8-10 pieces.


vapor accessory addict
Hold up. ;) One of the best pieces of advice I ever got for making brownies was from jeffp. He said, "put shit in you get shit out." How potent your brownies are depends on how potent the original weed was and how much you vaped out of it. Your abv pic looks like it's fairly brown, so I would think most of the goodies are gone. If you started with mids, that abv isn't going to do much if you've only got 15g.

You might be better off making something like firecrackers or qwiso if you are too impatient to keep saving it up. Either that or maybe make a couple of the small batch recipes that were written about here:

or here:


here for the chicks
I second those firecrackers, they have become my favorite way of using my abv. I use about 4 grams of dark abv (darker than in the photo you showed) and another two grams of lighter vaped still green abv (if I have it, if not I just double the amount of dark abv) for a single dosage. This is a pretty hefty dosage though, first time I did this I was trippin' for about 12 hours and harder than I ever did before on sweet Mary-Jane. Twas soo much fun, but probably not for everyone.

But like others stated before me it's hard to determine how potent your abv will be for various reasons, results may vary every time. Enjoy the ride anyways ;)
Alright I'll have to try those then, I was thinking 15 gs of abv wouldnt be enough for good brownies anyways idk if I should save up for brownies or just make the firecrackers lol


live free and live elevated :}
Hello to all,

I made some blue berry bud-butter muffins or as I call em Bud muffins the other day. I usually store all my AVB in a small test tub which holds up about 12grams worth of space. I didn't measure the amount of AVB I had at the moment I made them but I guesti-mate it was less than 2 to 3 grams, considering that the AVB weights less. The blue berry butter muffin mix I used for these were I believe betty crocker of some sort but they were only $3 at the store. I simply put the viles worth of AVB with about 1/2 of butter let it burn with each other for 5mins then add to the mix. Once I had these bad boys done I had one and I was good.


momofthegoons said:
Hold up. ;) One of the best pieces of advice I ever got for making brownies was from jeffp. He said, "put shit in you get shit out." How potent your brownies are depends on how potent the original weed was and how much you vaped out of it. Your abv pic looks like it's fairly brown, so I would think most of the goodies are gone. If you started with mids, that abv isn't going to do much if you've only got 15g.

You might be better off making something like firecrackers or qwiso if you are too impatient to keep saving it up. Either that or maybe make a couple of the small batch recipes that were written about here:

or here:

Thanks, Mom. I also suggest starting an AVB drive in your neighborhood among your vaporist friends and the friends who have shared your edibles in the past. Explain that the sooner you have enough ABV for brownies, the sooner you can make them. Also advise the same for your smoking friends - that you need the roaches. Roaches are excellent to use. I don't bother with a scale for AVB brownies - I measure out 1/2 cup before the fine coffee grinder grind, and add 1/2 cup canola oil. I follow Vtac's original recipe with a few modifications: I don't simmer the oil, I let it leech for 4+ days aka cold infusion, I add a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar and a dash of salt prior to leeching. I don't strain the bud from the oil, I use the sleazy spent herb in the brownie mix. You can't really taste it and straining is too much of a hassle in my opinion.
I made a batch the other night with about 15 grams give or take (fresh weight, not vaped weight) but am unsure of the quality level of the bud to begin with. It seemed to do the job, but I wouldn't say it was top of the line either.

Anyway, made a batch of brownies cut into 12 pieces and we each at one last night at about 9pm. 45 min later we were pretty baked and went to bed around 1am still baked. Figure we probably had another few hours worth of high in us at that point.

ABV was prob 90-95% brown when I made the butter with it.

Once I get another vape (prob a PD) I'll try and get my wife onto vaping. She can't seem to get the hang of the MFLB and she's a smoker so wants a bit more cloud I think. Once I get the PD or whatever then I think we will prob go through an ounce every 4-5 weeks between us and get a double batch of brownies adding another 12 to 15 days of use in edibles (24-30 brownies). Took me about a month to get the 15 or so grams on my own vaping.

Only thing I'm curious about is if making butter or oil is more efficient than doing a soak in alcohol or similar. If the alc is better then I may switch methods and see just how long I can stretch my stash.
quest for herb,
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