How much reclaim do you get?


Well-Known Member
I know it depends a lot on what piece, nail, temp, etc is used, but on average how much reclaim do you get per gram of bho? I'm asking because I'm trying to find out how strong my cooking oil will be, I know how much bho I dabbed but I didn't weigh the reclaim I put in.


Stuck in Dab Coma
I doubt anyone will be able to correctly answer that for you due to the lack of information provided by you... But ... In my situation, my glass Peice would probably return maybe 10% to 25% at best, and my Igo-w, being slightly more efficient, I can almost keep clean even after a gram goes through it, like you said it's about what you use and the oil that you use. Crumbles for me normally burn much cleaner.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, that's the ballpark I was looking for. I knew it wasn't going to be exact and I didn't provide more info because I have smaller and bigger pieces, so my reclaim varies.
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