How Has The Herb Blessed Your Life?


Well-Known Member
The downside is the social stigma of openly being a drug user in an environment that's pretty down on it. Some people don't want to associate with me or take me seriously. I hope that getting a PhD as a MJ user will make a few people re-think their view on it.

No need to prove anything to anyone..bro.....
People who think its a drug, are totally wrong..And need help to sort out their mind...I am an Indian, and Hindu by religion..And Cannabis use has been part of our culture since centuries...U can search about Lord shiva, Bhang/Ganja/MJ are his favorite ...infact few mantras used for his worship,clearly states that MJ helps a person achieve purity, and the meaning of the word Shiva , also means pure


Oil Painter
BlazedRunner, that's so cool.

Except for the running part - and the PhD part; I'm just after my Bachelor's - I also have experienced settling into "functional" high, being medicated most of the time, and still feeling/appearing to be all as usual. Focus, the damping down of the "noise" in my head, being able to turn away from otherwise obsessive thought patterns.

I'm not that open, however. My close circle knows, but that's about it.


Active Member
Yeah the Gods and Goddesses smoke cannabis, as Terence Mckenna said, "I'm stoned and I'm proud."

Remember these people who downplay cannabis have not delved into the facts at all. Essentially you are trying to argue with propaganda. These people have accepted top-down information. The truth is is there if one knows where to look, and cannabis helps those in the search for truth.
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