How do MZ/PD stems compare in potency to other methods?

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Well-Known Member
I'm curious of vaping a MZ stem a night would classify me as a heavy user. How many stems a week would get you to that status? I'm worried about drugtestng and I had been averaging about a stem or two a night. Some nights were heavier than other and other nights nothing at all. Am I in the 30+ day detox range or in the ~10 day detox range? I have a fairly average metabolism.

I tried a volcano bag once and that put me on my ass. I wasn't prepared for it. I'm just curious at how much the potencies compare to different methods.


vapor accessory addict
IMO, 1 - 2 stems a night does not qualify you as a "heavy user," but a light user. However, it still could be enough to show up on a drug test. As for how long of a break you would need, that would depend on many variables; how long you've used for one. I would imagine that for someone like me, it would almost take a full head of hair growth to be clear if they were doing hair testing. I use daily and a whole lot more than 2 stems. I've used for 45 years and I have a feeling that my chemical makeup is about 25% THC. :lol:

I would err on the side of caution and plan on detoxing for the full 30+ detox if you are testing for a job.


a totally subjective question

what is "heavy" to you?

is it once every day?
is it more than once a day?

I think you need to first establish what is normal for you first. then you have a base reference to compare to.

i will do myself for example.
I blaze several times a day every day. and i think my daily consumption is probably about a gram a day. my baseline would be 1 gram a day. to some that is a heavy user, to others that is probably pretty light.

another way to contrast would to be to compare you level of tolerance against your friends who blaze too. the "heavy" user of the group will consume more right?

imo 1 stem a night is habitual, but not heavy. to you however it might be heavy.

hope that helps :p


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies, they are very helpful.

I forgot to mention how long I've been doing it. I've been vaping about 1-2 stems a night for about 5 months. I don't really have any other friends that blaze aside from my GF and my dealer, but my GF only does it once a week, and my dealer is perpetually high.

I'm still curious how the MZ stem compares in potency to say, smoking a bowl, or using some other vape.


Combustion free since '09
I think a stem or two a night is pretty light use but still... It is comparative to smoking or vaping in another vape. I think the MZ/PD stems are pretty similar to a small load in a larger vape or an LB trench though with fixed temps you might not extract as much goodies. Still....enough to flunk a drug test!


Out to lunch
JohnEarlMadden said:
I've been vaping about 1-2 stems a night for about 5 months.

Lo said:
Still....enough to flunk a drug test!
Yeah, that's enough to give you a big problem with a drug test. Not a high level of consumption but a daily dose. Sure you're better off than someone who's been consuming a gram a day or more, but the difference could be moot, depending on how much warning you get before a test. As for smoking vs. vaping, I believe (consuming the same amount with both methods) the smoker is slightly better off since vapor is more efficient than smoke in delivering THC.


max said:
As for smoking vs. vaping, I believe (consuming the same amount with both methods) the smoker is slightly better off since vapor is more efficient than smoke in delivering THC.

yeah i agree. since vaporization doesn't destroy the THC and other goodies the way that a traditional flame contact does it stands to reason that more is extracted/actually received by the user instead of being burned up.

I have never had to take a drug test, and hope i never do. :D


vapor accessory addict
I have never had to take a drug test, and hope i never do.

Agreed!!!! The one and only time I have ever quit for any period of time was when I thought I would be interviewing with a school district that tested. Hardest couple of months of my life. And as luck would have it, it turned out I never even interviewed for that position. :lol:

Unfortunately, the only true way to pass a drug test is abstinence from the drug.


Magus Septimus
i used to work at a vitamin store that sold 'detox liquids'; they claim to purge your urinary tract, using herbs. i heard good things anecdotally; passed drug tests and the like. But i really don't know about the chemical efficacy of such products


Well-Known Member
that averages out to about 3 grams a month max. if you are in good shape and eat right, you should be detoxed within 14 days. 21 days at the maximum. i dealt with for years the man breathing down my neck with piss tests and whatnot. glad it's over. i do not trust using my own piss regardless because id rather not take a chance. i went the synthetic urine route when i was unsure if i was dirty or not. never failed me once.
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