How do i use hash with a vaporbrothers? Different heating elements?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was my first time using a vaporizer. Since, I got a great deal on a handsfree vaporbrothers from a classified ad, and I love it. And, it feels like the healthiest way to medicate.. Anyhow, about the question. How do you pack a bowl of hashish style concentrate into standard hands free whip without clogging the screen? Because, that's what I'm afraid of. I've read a couple posts on smoking kief, but I assume it would be a lot different. Does it vaporize the same way as the plant or does it take a special system? I'm also worried about what would happen if peice the concentrate accidently slipped into the heating element. Which, was why I was thinking about trying it and just taking slow careful pulls with the dial around medium high. But, I'm still afraid of potentially damaging the unit if I do it wrong.

I was also wondering how to tell what type of heating element is on the machine? The vaporbrothers webpage says they upgraded to the mineral element. Is there anyway to tell which generation I have?

-Thank you
u could keep bowl vertical then just lower the heat into, draw, take off heat the bowl stays vertical so hash gets stuck tu whip screen


Well-Known Member
i just powder the hash up with sciscors and turn the vapor box sideways ( so the whip isnt pointing down ) and start drawing on it , it takes about 5 or 6 pulls before you start to get good tokes ( i guess the hash takes a minuite to start vaporizing ) then after you get past that you will start getting vapor coulds alot thicker than when you vape grass ( hash KILLS my lungs in the vape sometimes )


Serial vapist
Best way to vape hash is on top of a layer of ground herb. This prevents the hash from melting into/through the screen, it will just melt onto the herb. And kief vapes well but very quickly in my experience, i recommend a lower starting temp for it or it will all be gone in 1-2 hits. What i like to do with it is just roll some hash into a ball and then roll the hashball around in the kief and get it all coated nicely before loading it onto some herb in the bowl.

And as far as preventing it from getting on your heating element, just put a book or something under the back corner of your VB or put it on its side like above poster said. This way gravity wont cause issues.
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