How bad is smoking hash pure


Well-Known Member

I was wondering how smoking hash pure (pin and glass method) compares to vaping hash regarding inhaling bad things.

Thanks in advance!


Proud MMJ Patient
Thats an interesting question. I would think that since you are combusting, your getting smoke, and if your getting smoke, your getting a lot of the toxins. I'd think that vaping would be better. Probably also depends on the type of hash.


Well-Known Member
If the hash is pure doesn't that mean there is no bad stuff left in it or am I wrong?


Combustion Fucker
i think it's no where as bad as smoking other things, but it's still smoking.
come on man, it's combustion ;) obviously bad

There was a little while where i had switched to vaping for evertyhing else but still smoking hash.

The glass bong straws are what converted me, i like it better through those than the regular vapes.

gettin lifted

go ahead and ship me some of this hash and ill smoke some and let you know how BAD it is for you. actually lets not take any chances you better send me a bunch so i can be sure. :D
gettin lifted,
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