He's far from green(no pun intended) HELP NADA VAPZ?

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Today my boy got his 1ST vaporizer(air freshener?) He had never tried one during his 33 years of non-stop ..... His question is that he purchased this thing called "BLISS" (air freshener) BL-015 Has anyone ever heard of his model? Any info at all? I was told he would greatly appreciate any help!!! Oh & he also wanted to know whats a good starting Temp.? In Fahrenheit,if possible? Much Thanks!!!!!:peace:bigleaf:


Naruto Fan
it looks like a box vape from china, so the temps read out may not be true, so start low and work your way up

in true temps you'd want to hit 360, 385, 405 (i'm just pulling those out of the air but they cover the range)

with this type of vape, i think the popular way of using it is by finding two steps, low and max, but do some reading

remember to tell him to hold the hits longer even if he doesn't feel like he really got anything, and that as he gets better he'll be able to get thicker hits and not be so sensitive to the feeling of the vapor on his throat.

heres a thread about temps: Your link
Also remember that slower inhalation lead to higher temperatures and dense vapor than faster inhales.

Tell him to consider investing in some of the awesome vapes with great warranties and companies and years of faithful service behind them, like the MFLB, DBV, yadda yadda. Not to knock his choice, but if he ends up enjoying his box vaporizer, he will undoubtedly enjoy other vaporizers you can read about on this forum far more.
Thank U & everyone who took the time to depart with me some of UR hypothetical knowledge of vaping compared to using a nice Bizong or pizipe. I hypotheyically got the VAP mainly to save my lungs! Plus everything Ive been studying about vaping all sounds excellent in theory but I won't know hypothetically speaking if it all rings true for at least a couple weeks of non-stop research(human) Oh I already have 7 -8 grams of "partially"> vaporized hpothetical weed & I've read lots of different views on (what can I do with vaped weed on a tight budget?) nothing sounded correct or I can't buy an ISO or the bubble deal(not anytime soon)just ordinary household stuff?:peace::)
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