Help me understand these glass pieces

little maggie

Well-Known Member
Could someone here either point me to or explain what these 3 pieces are?
matrix perc
head show perc
ash catcher
little maggie,


you should post in the "Ask Fc" zone

but matrix and shower head are percolators. Matrix on the left. Shower head on the right

and i dont know how else to explain an ash catcher except as to : a piece of glass that catches the ash


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
ash catcher
An AC is typically a smaller piece of glass which has one female glass joint, and one male glass joint. They are designed to pair with other glass such as bubblers or j-hook mouthpieces. Originally they were made to catch the ash from combustion smoking so the main bong water doesn't get dirty as fast. But people have discovered they also work great as mini portable bubblers

Here's an example of an Ash-Catcher connected to a larger waterpipe:

And here is an Ash-Catcher connected to a J-Hook to make a mini portable bubbler:

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