Hello everyone. Here's my success story about marijuana.

So I just joined today and this is my first post. I am a proud owner of the magic flight launch box. Earlier on, I vaped up on some bud and now I am very very high. The magic flight really blasts me up.

In December 2009, I was a freshman, finished my finals and met up with my first stoner friend in college. Since I was done with finals, I decided to finally experience high.

I tried getting high a few times in high school, but I never really felt different. I felt slightly different once, the sweetness in soda really stuck out (I guess on my taste buds) and I was extra chuckly watching Spongebob which seemed to be a lil extra funnier. That night, I remember my vision sorta changing...looking like it was getting pixelated, then I got up and thought to myself "sparkles."

In a few seconds, I was blown out of my mind into a feeling I never had before, and I was high as fuck. My friend was walking me back to my dorm, and a quarter of the way there I felt the high jumping down a few steps and then stopping, and I suddenly thought I was sober. But then after a short conversation I realized I was still high as fuck, but a lot less. That was a night I'll never forget.

After that, my next semester I smoked a couple more times, but it wasn't very consistent, it was pretty on & off, like once or twice a month, once or twice a week at most. This just continued on for a while into the summer, and then by sophomore year, some of my friends thought I was becoming a pothead. So to prove them wrong, I claimed that I'd go the whole semester without getting high, and if I prove myself, then one of them would smoke with me once finals were over. And I was right, and we smoked, but I think it was some weak shit, or I had a weird tolerance. Because it hit me very slowly. And I got high, but it was a very tame body-mind high. Body high enough to make me just sit and watch a movie, but mind high enough to not be *so* sleepy and focus on the movie.

(Back in the day when I was still a n00b smoker, all my friends said that I had a really low tolerance and it was fun to see me wild out because I'd be higher and more outta control than everyone else. I also was confused about how the tolerance worked. I first heard that the more you do it, the more you'll need to get to the same high, and I otherwise later on heard that the more you do it, the higher you get, even over time.)

In 2011, I gradually went from being an occasional, to casual smoker, and by the summer I was a full blown pothead. Before I heard of the Magic Flight, I bought a Vapor Genie and a standard table vape. But I still mostly just smoked. One night, I hit a bong, which to that point I still normally didn't do (usually just blunts or bowls). I got ripped outta my fucking mind. I was so high, that I thought I was almost as, as high or even higher than the first time I ever was high. I asked my friend what kind it was and he said it was Jamaican. So I thought Jamaican weed must be really good. But it wasn't a good night for me. Since my parents are really strict, I had a curfew. It bugged me out and I felt like I was either gonna permanently be high (which today I can obviously look back and say it was paranoia) or suffer permanent damage from lack of brain cells or something.

I decided to just pray, and I prayed, and it felt like a slave begging to a master. But I was taught that if you take one step towards God, then God takes two to you. And I felt that as I was praying my high gradually lowered enough for me to relax and go home. To this day, I realize that this could have all just been psychological because I've been raised in a theistic religious household, but I do believe in God.

Then junior year, I heard of the Magic Flight, and when I first tried it, it got me decently high; it took me some getting used to but eventually I dismissed it and stuck to smoking. But one day when I was high as fuck, I just decided to order it; and I'm glad I did, because I've been a ganja since that night (in December 09) and since I've bought this magic flight, and have been accustomed to getting high from it over these recent times, I decided that I just do not like smoking anymore. So I firmly say

"fuck combustion"

cuz I just don't wanna do it anymore. And I love

-my family & friends
-my ps3
-Mass Effect
-Magic Flight
-The Dark Knight film series
-Yakuza 3
-Lupe Fiasco
& other stuff

some of my friends consider me religious. But, I guess I am. But I'm definitely not perfect.
CooLike Bane,

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Nice experience Dude.. :) You are having the classic "mystic effects" which is the very best of the journey.. Keep your tolerance low dont overdose cuz gluttony is a sin :lol:!
Abysmal Vapor,
^Haha, amen to that brother. I'm also on a mission to make brownies, or some sort of vintage edibles with some AVB & kief. I've got about 3.25 grams of abv and so far a gram and a half of kief.
CooLike Bane,


Well-Known Member
Hey CooLike Bane, I'd suggest sprinkling that kief over ground bud in your MFLB. You'll enjoy it much more and it'll last you longer than if you put it in edibles.

Keep the abv for edibleskief is much better inhaled ;) Happy vaping.
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