Favorite Forum Categories


Well-Known Member
What are people's favorite forum categories to browse and take part in discussions there?

I know when I log in I usually check out a few of the threads I follow and tempt fate by looking at the classifieds. Then most times I'll check out the medical discussion to see if there's any new relevant information I can use to manage my various medical issues. But I think I most enjoy ask fc and how helpful people generally are there and enjoy the opportunity to pass on some of what I've learned during my vapor journey.
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Authorized Buyer
Lounge, Portables, Vape Discussion, Ask FC if my mood is good, Med, Community, Classifieds if not broke.

Even in the categories I frequent, there are a lot of threads I haven't read much. For instance, years of membership and only recently wandered into the Parkinson's thread. Had I not, I would not have learned there might be an apparent relationship between Parkinson's and sexual creativity.
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