ecig help?

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gettin lifted

Hey guys,

I've been tobacco free for a few years now but my girlfriend hasn't been able to stop.

We both enjoy vaping, we've been vaping for about 2 years now. (MJ of course)

Finally got her convinced to try an e-cig instead of cigarettes. They are supposedly much healthier for you and also I've heard that it's easier to quit from then smoking because you can keep decreasing how much nicotine you put in there.

She says she'll give it a go and I'm just tired of the cigarette smell all over her.

So I am wanting to pick up an ecig for her. I don't know much about them and was hoping someone here could give me a couple ideas for brands.

As long as it works well and you can buy different eliquid with varying nicotine levels. (So she can gradually cut back to lower levels over time and then finally nothing)

Any help is greatly appreciate guys.
gettin lifted,


Combustion free since '09
We've done a bit of discussion on ecigs in this thread recently:

I usually suggest an eGo for a first timer but I have found the folks I get to try them appreciate them more once they get a Low Resistance (LR) atomizer and drip tip on there. This is an easy to use setup if your girl is not on the road a lot. If she is driving a lot you might look into a cartomizer for her to use while driving.

They also have these new eGo tanks that hold juice but I haven't tried one yet. I'm hearing mixed results. Not something I'd suggest for a newb I'm thinking but once she gets going...she might want to try other things.

If you get an eGo kit I'd suggest also ordering some LR atomizers and a drip tip(either 510 or 306 will fit on eGo).

Another good suggestion I'm hearing is the Maxx Fusion from Bloog. It is a much improved cartomizer so would be suitable for use while driving.

Whatever kit you get her be sure to get TWO batteries so she'd always have one charged. Also note that atomizers are a semi-disposable bit so need to have extras. Grab some small bottles of juice in different flavors and strengths. It may take a bit of trying to find a flavor she loves...and the strength she needs.

eGo Kit:

Bloog Maxx Fusion:

My favorite LR atomizers & drip tips:

Lastly...if you guys get up to Bradenton you might consider visiting the Totally Wicked Store on 41 there. I personally don't buy from them much as you can get better prices online usually but they do have the units there you can try, sample the flavors before you buy, etc. Another option is the Red Barn Flea Market, there are a couple ecig vendors in there that carry eGo's, juice, etc.

Oh and if she loves pink lol...the eGo comes in pink :)

Good luck! I suspect if she gets to try the ecig she might find herself enjoying it more than the cigs. Particularly when weather is cold or rainy is nice to show someone they can either go outside to freeze and smoke or stay inside and vape :D Fingers crossed!
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