Do you ever dream about your vaporizer?


I just woke up from dreaming something to do with my office, my boss, arguing about something incomprehensible, with my PD stuffed in my front pocket. Go figure.


vapor accessory addict
Must have been something in the stars last night that caused angst dreams. I dreamt I gave my whole stash to my friend's son because he was out, then realized I hadn't kept any for myself. :lol:

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
yes, i've been dreaming about the Bud Toaster recently as i work out fabrication issues.

i tried being a boss for a few years ... that didn't work out too well for me or them. So i'm back to doing what i can do, and that's all i do.
Hippie Dickie,


vapor accessory addict
Sorry to derail, but watch what you wish for jeff....

It's like the time I wished I didn't have to work anymore, then found out I was sick, went on chemo, and couldn't work.

Funny thing about wishes, they are usually granted, but not in the way you thought.


Mom, wow I didn't realize that you were forced to confront something like that.
I know what you mean about the universe sometimes expressing its sick and twisted and ironic sense of humor, like a magic genie in a twilight zone episode.
"Funny thing" is right.
Do you find that vaping is helpful to you in general? I think many of us would be very interested to read what you have to say about MJ as a therapeutic herb in terms
of your personal experience...


Well-Known Member
ATM I have never had any dreams about vaping or about my vape. When I do I'll update this post.


vapor accessory addict
Well Jeff, now we're really derailing this thread!! :lol:

Since you asked, I don't want to mislead and have you think that the chemo was for cancer. Fortunately, I haven't had to bear that cross and I know that what I went through pales in comparison to what people who have cancer have to go through. I know a few with cancer who have been helped tremendously by mj during their treatment for many of the same reasons I was helped.

I was on treatment for Hep C, which is treated with Interferon and Ribaviron. When they use Interferon for melanoma, they call it chemo. Add another horrible drug for Hep and they call it treatment. Go figure. You still loose your hair and feel like dog shit, so tell me the diff. :/

Honestly, I can say that I would not have made it through my treatment (sanely) without mj. It was the only thing that kept me from being nauseous, depressed and in general, feeling like shit. It helped a bit for the pain, but more for the general attitude and loss of appetite. It also helped me sleep. I had horrible headaches and smoking would sometimes aggravate them. The smoking also aggravated the congestion in my lungs from the drugs. But the overall effect was beneficial enough that it overrode the negatives. Unfortunately, I hadn't heard of vaping back then and think it would have been more beneficial than smoking was.

The good news is that I am cleared and considered "cured." I was one of the lucky ones. And, I've found vaping, which cleared up my lungs.

So, now for our regularly scheduled bout those dreams guys?


Well-Known Member
No vape dreams for me, and mom.........glad to hear that you won that war. :tup:


The day I start having dreams about my vaporizer is the day I will begin my T-Break. Having said that, dream analysis is a really wicked thing, even if it's just for a laugh. A couple of years ago, before I was even smoking pot, I had a wave of really intense, vivid dreams and I wanted to know what the hell was up so on a couple of occasions I wrote down everything I could remember when I woke up (which was a surprising amount!) and it was totally worth it. :lol: When (if) I take a tolerance break, I will get vivid dreams for several nights. I will record those dreams because they will surely be about not partaking in my nightly MJ ritual.

I'm also glad to hear about your recovery momofthegoons


Mom, ditto on the above, of course, and it's a powerful real life story you had to endure.
As far as dreams go, it seems to me that if you can recall as much as your infancy as possible, as a newborn it seems like you begin
here in the dream state, and the waking state unfolds little by little until they're balanced. There seems to be knowledge and recognition
in this state, like a form of cosmic nutrition. Anyway just a thought...


vapor accessory addict
Thank you gentlemen. I appreciate your thoughts.

"Cosmic nutrition." Interestingly put. Not so much a dream state to awake, but an unfolding of knowledge. And sometimes, knowledge that you feel you already knew. And then, the process reverses and you become a child again.


Cosmic nutrition just became the phrase under my display picture on Facebook. :)

I also just realized I had a dream about buying a larger grinder with a sifter on it last night... wow.


Herbal Alchemist
mattybass said:
The day I start having dreams about my vaporizer is the day I will begin my T-Break.
I'm not obsessed with herb, but I am kinda obsessed with my Launch Box. I had a dream that a friend wanted to borrow it. I grabbed it before they could touch it, and said, "get you're own Launch Box, they are cheap!" :lol:


Vicki, what do you think of the Ubie, aside from the fact that "they are cheap!"? I have 2 myself and used one once when I was just starting out with this vaping thing.
Is it worth pursuing as a vaporizer in your opinion?
PS - I have a Vapor Warez 3G which I like alot....


Herbal Alchemist
jeffp said:
Vicki, what do you think of the Ubie, aside from the fact that "they are cheap!"? I have 2 myself and used one once when I was just starting out with this vaping thing.
Is it worth pursuing as a vaporizer in your opinion?
PS - I have a Vapor Warez 3G which I like alot....
I've never really cared for the Ubie's. It is too easy to combust with them, and I have, more than a few times. It can be very difficult to keep the flame exactly 2 centimeters below the glass. I got mine as a portable option to go with the Vapor Brothers I had at the time.

I also have a Vapor Warez 3G, hands free vaporizer. I actually haven't used it since I got the Launch Box. :lol:

I used to love the VW, but the MFLB has become my main vaporizer now. I'm still keeping the VW, though. :)


Don't have a MFLB only because I really don't vape anywhere but my apartment but it does seem very cool.
I am at the point where I have too many vaporizers, I could easily get rid of a few and never miss them, such as the vapormatic or the "california" box vape.


Herbal Alchemist
jeffp said:
Don't have a MFLB only because I really don't vape anywhere but my apartment but it does seem very cool.
I am at the point where I have too many vaporizers, I could easily get rid of a few and never miss them, such as the vapormatic or the "california" box vape.
I do 99% of my vaping at home too, but I still use the MFLB over the Vapor Warez.

I did have a few too many vaporizers, so I gave a couple away to friends....the Vapor Brothers and a Vapir One.


Giving them away is a great idea, it resolves the issue of selling, cleaning, packing, sending, etc., and then hoping the buyer is happy.
But FINDING friends who are that interested in vaporizing is a different story altogether!
It's surprising how many potheads just don't relate to vapor and probably wouldn't use or appreciate a free unit.
Like pearls before swine, so to speak.

Maybe I'll go to and start a local vaporizing appreciation society....
On second thought, that's probably a very bad idea.


Herbal Alchemist
jeffp said:
Giving them away is a great idea, it resolves the issue of selling, cleaning, packing, sending, etc., and then hoping the buyer is happy.
But FINDING friends who are that interested in vaporizing is a different story altogether!
It's surprising how many potheads just don't relate to vapor and probably wouldn't use or appreciate a free unit.
Like pearls before swine, so to speak.
I agree. Most tokers have absolutely no knowledge about vaporizing. The 2 friends I gave mine to had very open minds about it, and that made it easier for us all. :)

I did have to ship the vaporizers, but it was no trouble at all. ;)


vapor accessory addict
Maybe I'll go to and start a local vaporizing appreciation society....
Why jeff, I do believe you are already in a vaporizing appreciation society.....right here!! ;)


Amongst the corn
Very cool thread Jeff

Some great thoughts bouncing around in here like a pile of wet otters!

No- never dreamed of my vapes yet. Before ever having weed (started at 21 because lack of opportunity & I was a nerd), I used to dream about hitting a joint and felt it in my dream state. It was surprisingly accurate to the real feeling years later! Wonder if I was somehow dream-stimulating the same brain receptors.. I used to play around at astral projection (no) & lucid dreaming (yes.) Lucid dreaming started as a kid that had bad nightmares. I'd realize what was about to happen and in that second I'd recognize that I was dreaming and would force my eyes to to open to wake myself. I also was a sleepwalker.. So the lucid dreaming was just the next step. I never really could control everything in my dreams. It was more of a "suggest the direction" and sometimes wind up frustrated when things didn't work out! I have one flash memory, that if real would have been infant memory.

For me, once when I was unemployed & still living home I had a stretch of months where I would ease into being awake without the alarm and would journal. The more you get yourself in the habit of paying attention to the memories you can grab when you just wake up, the more you remember..

I think I may end up having dreams about the launch box. Something about it keeps making me stare at it & play with it. It's just genius.
The Ubie was my first vape, before I really knew that there was such a thing. I think I may still have it. Never really cared for it more than just a handful of times. Cool thing though, cheap & intro to vaping!


momofthegoons said:
Maybe I'll go to and start a local vaporizing appreciation society....
Why jeff, I do believe you are already in a vaporizing appreciation society.....right here!! ;)
absolutely but wouldn't it be great if we could all hang in my teenage room and party non virtually?


vapor accessory addict
Yes, there are definitely some people here I would like to meet and party with. Oh well. Tell you what, I'm hitting the vape right now......your turn. ;)


funny.. not i, mom. my daughter's with me for the weekend. sunday night is my turn....


dreamed about loose ABV last night... in an open suitcase..... the policeman who was waiting in the hallway in case I needed help didn't respond to it.
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