did you go overboard on vapor equipment?

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...there is no question that this site has helped facilitate many informative discussions among members with varying degrees of expertise....it's been very helpful...that said, I'm hoping after I receive my percei, which will give me that, with the omicron, and ssv, I will be able to use funds for other endeavors.....like the reason we purchase these tools in the 1st place...the meds...


I Vapes Hard
^^^i agree. This site has showed me so much new, cool vapor equipment ive never even seen and a wealth of experts of every item here...makes it easy to make a informed decision. Also makes it easy to go overboard! :D


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
YoGranMazPimp said:
^^^wow three vapes in a short time is a nice upgrade. I went for some glass pieces after getting my ssv and mflb... I think im good on vapes for a while just accessorizing now.

Yes, I am just now looking at glass. I'll soon acquire GAS, I'm sure.

Edit: and if the HI & VXC were available to me now, I'd have 5 vapes! Words can't express how life-changing it's been for me to discover vaporizing.


Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I guess everyone's definition of overboard is different.

Within 2 or 3 days the other week I picked up
A Mobius clear reti perc bubbler
A Luke Wilson 15 arm bubbler
And a inline to 6 arm tree to 6 arm tree bubbler.

Some would say that's overboard, others would say it was a good couple of days.
Frederick McGuire,


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
Frederick McGuire said:
I guess everyone's definition of overboard is different.

Within 2 or 3 days the other week I picked up
A Mobius clear reti perc bubbler
A Luke Wilson 15 arm bubbler
And a inline to 6 arm tree to 6 arm tree bubbler.

Some would say that's overboard, others would say it was a good couple of days.

That's a good couple of days indeed, Frederick! Well done, sir!


Well-Known Member
hmm i bought a extrme q, aromed, and mflb all in the same month. that was overboard. seemed like a good idea at the time but stuck with the extreme q and the rest are just sitting now. wish i could get rid of them since i hardly used them.


420 Gamer
I bought a glycerin coil waterpipe + Inline ashcatcher + SSV glycerin coil vaper tamer + SSV mouth piece and 3 Dimebag carrying case for all of those in 1 day. In the same month i got a Zob bubbler, SSV (Zen), coil peculator water pipe, and 10 arm ash-catcher, 8" generic clear bubbler with a waterfall ashcatcher, and a space case for my 1/2. I NEED HELP!!!! O.O save me from myselfffff


I Vapes Hard
Here we go again. What to buy, what to buy. Already got a MFLB PA and VPA under my belt today and havent even left the house.


Well-Known Member
I'm experiencing this myself. I have 1 MFLB, then got a Solo. I love vaping so much that I never want to smoke again and in just the last couple days have ordered a DBV and an HA. I thought I was done but, now I have stumbled across the Thermovape and I want one! And I'm sure the next time 'the next big thing" hits the market I will be lining up as well. Funny how consumed you can get in all this! but, i guess being able to breathe again would excite most :)


vapor accessory addict
Look at my signature..... looks like I've got it totally under control!!! No excess here.... right?
Overboard my ass! :p


here for the chicks
I simply can't afford to go overboard, I have to many other expensive hobbies that require regular funding as well.

But the list of what I would buy if I wasn't on a budget is pretty long. And I'm afraid I'll get there eventually too.. :uhoh:

The initial plan when I first joined here was to become a minimalistic vaporist with just one work horse and perhaps a cheap back up just in case. Kinda failed there already I guess.

Imo FC doesn't have sponsers, it's the other way around completely. Without this website I would probable still be completely ignorant and without a wish-list of vape-stuff all together. *shakes fist*
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