Da Buddha or Pax

Da Buddha or Pax?

  • Da Buddha

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • Pax

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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New Member
Hi everyone,

Let me start by saying that I'm a total noob. I've never owned a vaporizer. However, my lungs and changing life circumstances have pushed me to look in to getting one.

I've done some brief research, and two vaporizers that have caught my eye are Da Buddha and Pax. Although I will be vaping at home 99% of the time, I would prefer something portable (which both appear to be). However, my absolute priority is a good quality vape - one that will produce good vapor, will be easy to use, and will last.

Also, I'd rather not spend more than $250, which is already steep for me.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Da Buddha is not portable.

If 99% of your vaping is at home and you have a 250 dollar ceiling, I suggest getting a good home vape AND an inexpensive portable when you're out and about that 1% of the time.

Qusstions. Have you been smoking from a bong or bubbler and if so, would you like to continue to use it thru a vaporizer? Also, is this vape strictly for personal use or will it also be used in party situations? And regarding the portable, is it super important that it be very small and stealthy?


Well-Known Member
You might want to consider a Vapir NO2 or Arizer Solo as well, especially as the NO2 can just be plugged in and then act as a "plug-in" vape... there are several vapes newer than both of those but they both hold up extremely well, are in daily use by many people here, and both happen to be on sale right now for a lot lower than what they normally go for.

A Pax is okay but I honestly wouldn't want it to be my only vape. In fact, I kept going back to my NO2 while I was waiting for the pax to charge. I guess what i'm trying to say is that the pax is great no doubt and I found it to be a lot more fun than the NO2. But it isn't as practical or reliable as a NO2 in my opinion.

I also found that as a vape/electronics nerd, I had fun with the pax, and would not hesitate to recommend it to people looking for something like that (which i have), but the pax ended up filling a niche for me. I ended up buying an Arizer Solo too after the Pax. There is a chance I might just sell the pax and keep the solo, I dunno.


Well-Known Member
I second the recommendation for an Arizer Solo. You can pick one up for $160. I also have a Pax and bought a Solo afterwards, and use the Solo every single day (and am selling my Pax). The Solo is definitely portable, but I also use it at home just because I like it so much.

I also strongly agree that having just one vape isn't enough. It's worth spending the money to get a home unit and a portable. I started out with just the Pax and realized within a week of quitting smoking that just one unit (that needed to be recharged every two hours) wasn't going to do it for me. Now my daily drivers are my Solo and my Underdog. When the Solo needs to be charged, I can hit my always plugged-in UD. :)

I've heard Da Buddha is a great little home vape. I'm pretty much a UD evangelist these days, so I would highly recommend it, but I don't think you'll go wrong with a DBV, either.


New Member
Da Buddha is not portable.

If 99% of your vaping is at home and you have a 250 dollar ceiling, I suggest getting a good home vape AND an inexpensive portable when you're out and about that 1% of the time.

Qusstions. Have you been smoking from a bong or bubbler and if so, would you like to continue to use it thru a vaporizer? Also, is this vape strictly for personal use or will it also be used in party situations? And regarding the portable, is it super important that it be very small and stealthy?

Thanks for all the responses guys.

I have not really been smoking from a bong or bubbler for some time, just from a bowl, so that's not really a concern. The vape is primarily for personal use, but I would like it to be serviceable when I get together with 3-5 people. It is not at all important that it be small / stealthy.

What are the advantages of the Solo and NO2 over Da Buddha, for example?


Well-Known Member
Da Buddha is a solid, well built, easy to operate performer and IMO, will satisfy your home vaporizing needs for years. It is a plug in, however, and not at all portable. All portables IME have trade offs due to power supply, so for your first vape, I'd suggest going with a quality plug in and Da Buddha fits the bill. Pax has some nice qualities but also some drawbacks, especially for a noob. I agree with Meghan. At some point you will want a portable. But DBV is a very good start. IMO, the only advantage of the Solo and No. 2 over DBV is portability.


New Member
I guess I had thought of DBV as relatively "portable" because it comes with a nifty bag. I should clarify that I'm not necessarily looking for something that would fit in my pocket - but rather something that I could easily pack up on a trip or a visit to a friend's house.


Well-Known Member
I guess I had thought of DBV as relatively "portable" because it comes with a nifty bag. I should clarify that I'm not necessarily looking for something that would fit in my pocket - but rather something that I could easily pack up on a trip or a visit to a friend's house.

That you can do, and the bag makes a pretty good pillow if you need a nap.


Well-Known Member
I guess I had thought of DBV as relatively "portable" because it comes with a nifty bag. I should clarify that I'm not necessarily looking for something that would fit in my pocket - but rather something that I could easily pack up on a trip or a visit to a friend's house.

You can definitely pack up something like the DBV and take it to a friend's house. I do the same with my Underdog on occasion. For me, that means packing up the vape itself, the variable voltage power supply, and at least one stem, and then "setting up" my vape once I get there. It's doable, for sure. If I'm going to hang out at my friend's house for an entire day, I totally will. But if I'm dropping by for an hour, that's too much effort for me. I'd much rather grab my Solo and its glass stem in a travel tube, and go.

You could always start with the DBV, and if/when you decide you want something more portable, you've got some good recommendations. :)


New Member
Thanks everyone! Very helpful advice. Looks like I'll be going with Da Buddha.

That having been said, I like how the NO2 can be plugged in but also mobilized... I am interested in using the vaporizer out on my balcony as well, and there is no outlet there. I'm guessing Da Buddha must be plugged in at all times?


Well-Known Member
That having been said, I like how the NO2 can be plugged in but also mobilized... I am interested in using the vaporizer out on my balcony as well, and there is no outlet there. I'm guessing Da Buddha must be plugged in at all times?

Yes, the DBV is a plug in. For a walkaround, the Solo is the best, IMO.


Well-Known Member
No2 battery will last bout 2 sessions
Solo battery will last bout 8-10
Still haven't tried a da Buddha but I think I am too clumsy for the glass rod that sticks out. Will probably be ordering a vapolution 2.0 soon though

Really you won't go wrong with any of those. Just make sure you find sale coupons on here if you buy a NO2 and don't pay any more than 160 new for a solo


Living The Good Life
honestly I am going to chime in +1 for the Vapolution it is cheaper than DBV and is all glass on glass with the AIWB but that is just my opinion. It is like a super lightweight log vape with adjustable temp and the all glass just wins it for me only 99.99 shipped to your door so if price is a major factor I would consider it


Well-Known Member
If you shop smart, you can find a used DBV for around 100 (i got one for 80 bucks before, worked like a champ, very reliable product)
And then also get an arizer solo (shop around, ive got one new/open box for 100$ before)

You are still under your budget that way, check your local craigslists.


New Member
Where could I find an Arizer Solo new for $160? Whatever vape I buy, I want to buy it with a warranty.

And what are these NO2 coupons you mention?

I think I'd like to go with Da Buddha. I'd rather buy new.

I found the best price here: http://www.rakuten.com/prod/da-budd...-7th-floor/231377114.html?listingId=218462843

But at this price I can basically get a Silver Surfer: http://fya-trading.store.rakuten.co...zer-silver/219615933.html?listingId=130213709

Anyone know of websites selling these for cheaper?

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Out to lunch
Vapornation.com w/ coupon code 'FC11' would get you a litttle better price, and a guaranteed warranty.
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