Crackdown on Legalized Marijuana


Well-Known Member
I currently live in an illegal state and have recently lost my weed connection. I have not had any since 1/5 of this year. I'm an old timer that does not run in circles of people who smoke pot. Right now, and for the last 2+ months, I have no access to pot. It's more than a bit irritating. I rarely come on this forum anymore because it brings me down. I have really had enough of this ridiculousness! I am being oppressed by my government every single day. Land of the free my ass!

"Government is simply the name we give to the things we do together."

But, as an old timer, haven't you lived through dry times in the past? A truism long ago said by Freewheelin' Franklin was, "Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope." Oh the Shennanigans the Brothers went through when they were dry and tried to score.

Pro tip: Don't front your fat brother the cash. He's an idiot and no matter how careful he is, he ain't coming back with the dope.

Once government gets away from the Constitutional powers and duties, it will tend to infringe on basic human rights. The Man always wants more power. Fight the power! Power to the peoplekind!
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