Cool music to vape to, you know the tunes that move you

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Hoof Hearted

Vapesallday Industries
Snoop's down with vaping...

Hah, this shit's terrible. I don't listen to it anymore but the name Snoop will always make my soul smile because that's what I named my best bud about 13 years ago who's since passed on.


You big ol' Awesome frisbee-catching Rottweiller, you. Miss you.

Here's a tune that's I've always dug. It's great for vaping, especially on a warm, summer night


Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
For those of you that haven't heard of Sia, check her out.
Not my normal style of music, but damn she's good.

I'm pretty sure that's the song where for the film clip, she did it all artistically, and she did the whole song in sign language too. (I just re-read that sentence and realized how mangled it sounds :lol:, I meant to say she did the sign language artistically as the film clip)

It's kind of a trippy thought, someone who can no longer (or never could) experience music in the traditional sense, can actually "listen" to that song :whoa:


New Member
Hey! I was a longtime lurker of these forums when I bought my MFLB a year ago, and I have to say, thank you for all your help in the decision! Since then it really nudged me on the path of creating music so, naturally, I can say you guys here helped make this music! :)

Here's the album link to soundcloud:

Give it a listen! Everything's up for free download so if it tickles your fancy, you can tickle its right back!

And if anyone else makes music and such, or just has good vaping songs, feel free to post here!


Well-Known Member
Have I not posted this yet?
Probably one of my favorite songs ever.
Man I've blazed a lot to this track...

Sometimes I call nice weed "the truth" and my friends who don't listen to Spanish Fly don't get it :lol:


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