Confessions: Your “Stoner” Moment of 2023?


Well-Known Member
What’s up FC! I was thinking back on the year about the vapes I’ve tried and experiences with them. The good and the bad! This reminded me of my biggest “stoner” move, vaping blunder, whatever you want to call it :bang:

Got my fusion cap nice and hot with a triple flame. Went to set the torch down on the table and was distracted by it not sitting down right, and sometimes it likes to stay lit after release. Turned back to the vape attempting to hit right away .. and it was backwards :cry: It lightly touched the lips for a millisecond, I turned it around, as none of it was going to waste. Luckily the damage was minor and only noticeable up close in a mirror. 💋 🔥

So, wondering what was your not so proud, blooper, blunder. stoner move/moment of the past year WHILE vaping??

It’s your chance to get it off your chest without any judgement or laughter except in the emojis and replies :lol:


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
I have one, from very early in the year..
One day I had a relative come to visit with her 2 year old and she was curious how things looked since we bought some new furniture and also were fixing a bit around home at that time. So she wanted to look around, not a big deal. Not usually anyway... not until the bedroom. So our bedroom is big and part of it is separated as a study. I usually sit by the desk there when vaping and sometimes would empty avb into the flower pots by the window. "Good for the plants!"- i told myself. Now earlier in the morning I had watered the plants and what i didn't know was that the whole room would start stinking weed. I never thought of what would happen to the avb after getting wet... And worst thing was I found out right before they arrived, only because I went to get something in the bedroom. So I quickly made a big cup of coffee, placed in the room and opened up for fresh air! Didn't have time to check if the smell was gone before the doorbell so I just closed the door to the room and thought I would make an excuse not to go there.. But while I was distracted by the two year old my relative was already looking around, and then she was outside the bedroom. I hurried there but she was on her way in already so I followed. But by the time we got to the bedroom the smell was gone. I couldn't believe it. I wasn't too nervous because if she asked I would admit it, but she doesn't know and I want to keep it that way for most people

@TedJones Oww but seems like you were quick!


Talk to the Beard
One of my 2023 vaping goals was to break my habit of leaving dosing cans inside my mighty vape after vaping. The problem is that eventually one of those cans will get stuck to the top unit and spill abv all over my lap as I try to remove it. The potential increases the stickier it gets.

The easiest solution was to remove the can while still hot. So I keep a small container nearby and drop the hot dosing can into it right after vaping. It was hard to adopt this new habit and it actually took months before it was second nature.

A few weeks ago I was vaping with friends and talking, and without skipping a beat, I quickly flipped the small can into the jar, and continued. A few moments later I feel something biting my crotch. I leap up screaming, jumping, pulling on my pants until that burning hot can fell out of my shorts!

My friends found it VERY entertaining, and I will be more careful in 2024!


cantre member
yep I pulled the "wrong end lip burn" on the dyna learning curve!! I've since modified my stems so I know by feel when I'm spaced which end is which.

To be fair I've got the wrong end of the stick several times over the decades with joints and one hitters


Well-Known Member
My Flux Deluxe IH heater strangely had the 4 corner magnets keeping the lid on it all fall out on the same day. It took a hard bump so maybe that loosened them.

Instead of doing it while of sound mind, I vaped before I superglued them back in. I thought I was careful, but after re-assembly, I realized one was backwards and rejecting the connecting magnet.

Now I have no choice but to use the rubber band around it to keep the lid on.


Foggin up the woods
Man.. good thread.

Hm... it's a toss up between leaving my grinder behind when I recently moved. Mostly because I was super focused on bringing my kit with me. Waltzed off without it, after setting it next to my car keys.

Or, taking such a big hit with a kief filled bowl that I missed my pocket and both broke the glass in my jyarz classic (it's my on the go stash) and spilled out the last of that months supply of medicine. I was wearing jeans at the time. So was bad rofl


SEARCH for the treasure...
I did a nice cleaning of my CH DCup, and 30mm sapphire insert. I accidentally put the dish in, upside down. Put it away.
Next session, I heat up the DCup, the sapphire was so clean, it was nearly invisible. Tried to place some concentrate in with a a dab tool, and went “what the fuck”….. it melted on the, now bottom of the dish, and was messy, back to another clean up!


Child Of The Revolution
2023 wasn't bad. That is, I couldn't remember a Stoner Event that warranted inclusion on this thread. There was an Unfortunate Gravity Event, wherein my GRAV Orbis Coppa was hurtling toward the floor through No Fault of My Own. No cat was involved, so it might have well been because of My Actions, but I do consume a Mind Boggling Amount of a Memory Erasing drug on the daily, so it's possible I just don't remember. It also doesn't matter, because the GRAV Orbis Coppa didn't break, chip, or even sustain a crack, and the only loss was to a Matching ashcatcher that took the hit. $15 vs. $150, so not a tragedy, and quite possibly Not My Fault.
Well, 2023 ain't over yet, so here I am.
One of the reasons the dropped glass might have been my fault, other than I dropped it, was I'm Pretty Nutty when it comes to Oiling and Waxing the wooden Parts & Pieces
at my Sesh Station, be they vapes, stems, trays, boxes, tips, stems, twigs, pencils, and so forth. Stuff gets greasy, and Sometimes Worse, and even my Dynavap VonG gets waxed or oiled on the daily. Yesterday was no exception, and I give my VonG a quick swipe with the Oil Brush, then grabbed The Wand and the VonG as is my custom. A click...and the Damned Thing is Hot! Like, Hot Hot. Very Hot, and if I hadn't pulled back so fast, there would have been a Serious Burn on my lip. As it was, there was a bag of Frozen Peas pressed to my mouth before I figured out What The Hell Happened.
The Wand Dynavap maneuver isn't new, or rare, or particularly memorable. Insert filled tip into Wand, Wait for Click, Inhale. Simplicity itself. How could I have messed that up? This is what I Do! Plus, it shouldn't be Hot on the end opposite the end inserted, it just shouldn't, so something Very Wrong happened here.
The Wand seemed fine. The VonG seemed fine. It was I who had changed, whose Faith was shaken. The World is not as it should be, and I can see that now. You can put a Dynavap into a Wand, and it can get Hot in unexpected ways. Only, there was something wet at the mouthpiece... an entire drop of...Oil.
When I brushed the Wooden Body of the VonG, some Oil got through the Airport, and when heated, Flowed toward the mouthpiece, then it got Lava Hot and scorched my lip, and if I hadn't figured thus out, I would have been at the Dynavap Thread asking How Did This Happen. Instead, I get to post here (Yay!).
The only other Stoner Moments involve Stoner Shopping, but that should be it's own thread.
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