Complain to PD about Probation Officer misconduct


Naruto Fan
This is just a brief download from my brain to yours,

IF you ever have a problem with a probation officer in California, probably the best person to complain to is the public defender. My reading indicates that Probation Officers bosses will often cover-up any misconduct if you complain directly to them.

And, have proof, otherwise there's not much that can be done.

After talking to my house-guest's PD we were told he should get his med card, as the only possible defense against testing possitive (and testing was a requirement by the court). And, I should not do anything that seems to abridge the officer's rights to do his job. She will call the PO and get to the bottom of things.

Nothing settled, but I feel a load has been lifted from my shoulders. I hate the idea of him being forced to be homeless because of my stuff, even more than I hate the idea they gave him an "F" on his first day of work-program for having ADHD.
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