Comparison of different types of percs?


Unconscious Objector
It's only been since April this year that I hit a bong with a perc. I'd like to know more about them and expand my 'having tested' list.

I've tried;

-Disc diffused

Am aware of;

-Helix/Double Helix (?)

There's gotta be others.

Currently I have;

14 inch stemless double disc (8 slits per disc) tube.
18 mm 12 arm tree ash catcher
14 mm 13 slit inline ashcatcher
12 arm tree bubbler
18 mm Conical bowls GonG
14 mm GonG bowls too many to list
18 mm HiSi 7 hole no screen bowl
18 mm ice pinch bowl (dunno the brand, it was from Aqualabs)
A bunch of diffused down stems
A broken double 12 arm tree perch 24 inch tube. The only thing broken is the perks; otherwise it still works.

-My current favourite for no drag is adding the inline perch to a cheap 4 arm tree t-ube. Quick, dirty, but the tree arms are far too close to the all of the piece, and it clogs once every 4-6 rips. Preferred with 3-4 pieces of ice.
-For a filtered micro hit (equivalent to 2 one hitters from a dugout/bat....maybe one) I prefer the 12 arm bubbler with the ice pinch bowl. Just pull; no need to clear the bubbler since there is almost zero restrict n in air flow.
-To medicate quickly and heavily, I use a 12 arm ash catcher, stemless disc diffused tube and HiSi bowl. Ice is used, and up to 1/2g consumed at once.

And yes, opinions sought for new pieces :)




Well-Known Member
i recently found out theres a whole page on wikipedia just on bong percs

Its amazing how if a perc isn't made well, it can cause massive amounts of drag but the same design done right will have very minimal.

I do think there is excessive percs out there.
I just dont understand the point of a 54 arm bubbler (luke wilson) besides just seeing if you could do it.
Not like a 20 arm perc isnt diffused enough


Notmy Well-Known Member
here's some more types of percs in no particualr order;
peyote pillar

also, most styles of perc can come gridded or not. i have heard that the more holes and the smaller they are the more bubbles you may get, which in turn means less drag. sg stemlines are popular because they stack lots of small bubbles, no drag, and are well made. each perc gives a different feel (some are chuggy, or airy, or draggy) so basically thats all you need to know, which one feels the best for how you plan to use it. for vapor, i would suggest a perc that has a little more drag. you need some drag because you won't be using a slide, and the inherent drag will help regulate your pull through the vape.

since you are from canada the types of percs that you will be able to find in you lhs are pretty limited. mostly becacuse there is a huge difference in the glass scene in the states and in canada. until the emergence of hoss, there basically wasn't a glass scene in canada. even now its pretty lame. youtube can fill in the gaps on how it looks when a piece gets hit but you'll never know how they feel.
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Unconscious Objector
@notmyrealUSERname thanks for writing up some info; I appreciate the time you took.

I've looked for the terms you've mentioned on aqualabtechnologies and found an awful lot of interesting stuff. Some stuff has me thinking of purchasing (mini stem line, and a Sovereignty(?) stemless shower head to 8 arm tree).

I'm not sure that if I want to try a new perc, is it better to try it out full size, bubbler, with/without ash catcher. Just trying to figure out how they stack up against each other.


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