Coming Off 2 Month T-Break, What Should I Vape?


Still learning this thing called Cannabis
I just signed my contract for another year of teaching (and even got a pay raise to boot), and passed my drug test, so now it's time to start vaping again. Oh, how I've missed it.

My question to all of you is two-fold: First, what part of my stash should I vape first, given that I want to keep tolerance low and prolong the enjoyment of the herb before I need to take another T-break?

In my stash, I have some 1) Durban Poison (very mild stuff, 3 on a scale of 1-10 in terms of strength), 2) Swazi Gold (6 in terms of strength), 3) White Widow (7.5 in terms of strength), and 4) H5 Haze (9 in terms of strength).

The second question is what advice would you have for someone who has essentially reset their tolerance and gets to renegotiate the terms of their relationship with the herb? If you were in my position, what would you do? Would you only vape on the weekends, etc?

Thanks for your help!

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