Celexa and MJ


I have been using Medicinal Marijuana, for almost a year now. During that time, I was also on Paxil, for depression and anxiety, along with Zanax. I didn't notice any strange side effects, however I never really responded to the Paxil (even prior to the medicinal MJ).

One of my doctors is taking me off the Paxil and has put me on Celexa. I've read that Celexa, as with MJ hits the Cannabinoid receptor.

I did some searching and read many posts on different forums. However, it doesn't appear as if anyone has a concrete answer. It appears to be a case-by-case basis. Unfortunately, some people describe a very unpleasant experience, mixing the two. I've always had a really high tolerance towards drugs, legal and not-so legal... so I'm hoping any adverse effect will be diminished. Today, I'm trying my tincture (Swamp Water) with the Celexa, so will report back in a while.

Any input, either personal or informed, would be appreciated.


Tincture starting to kick in. Took my meds about a 1/2 hour earlier and the tincture about 1:00 (both on empty stomach). So far, getting the typical effects of the tincture... though I do feel a bit shaky, which feels more like I need to get something in my stomach, than a drug reaction.

Will eat and see if it makes a difference.

Oh yeah, this is only my 2nd dose (20mg) of the Celexa. I took my 1st dose, yesterday.


Still haven't eaten (I'm a procrastinator to). Typically I take 3 droppers of my tincture, its slightly less potent than Green Dragon, as I'm using vaped medicinal. Today, because of the question mark, concerning Celexa... I took 2 1/2 droppers. I should have kept my variables the same, as I'm experiencing a lesser effect of the tincture. Going to try adding half a dropper more and eat. I don't expect it to make much of a difference, as I'm adding food to the mix.


Another update and post pad. :brow: (at least I'm providing content)

So, after 1/2 dose more and food. I've really started to notice my tincture. Very pleasant high, uplifting both physically and mentally. I'm thinking food had more to do with it, as it got rid of the slight nausea I was feeling. Plus, tincture had more time to kick in. Have a slight euphoric and light-headed feeling, but the light-headed, is due more to my constant hypo-tensive state. I'm required to keep my blood pressure between 100 and 110 on the systolic, due to the state of my aorta (ascending/descending aortic dissection, currently extending from both carotids all the way to both kidneys, with a small graft at aortic arch). Its often at the lower level and quite often into the 90s... so that contributes greatly to the vertigo feeling.
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